Page 373 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 373
Index 345 hunting (capture) skills and injections 120, 136–138, law (legal issues) see legislation
law of effect 5, 8
211, 212
reintroduction 40,
husbandry 140, 143–165 blood‐drawing 138–139, leadership skills and styles
65, 146, 147
behavioural 136, 161 injury learning (animal ‐ basic
buy‐in 143–144, 147 animal 279 references)
elephants 183, 187, 323 keeper 309–310 age/lifetime see lifetime
primates 211, 212, 213 instrumental conditioning see birds 235–238
programme 143–165 operant conditioning different approaches to
assessment 144–149, 157 intelligence understanding of
behavioural goals see fish 243, 245 28–30
behaviour Machiavellian 87 human–animal interactions
degradation in octopus 242 as learning events
expectations of team/ intensity (punishment) 167–181
team members 158 57–58 indirect benefits 41–47
identifying expectations interactive educational individual learning 4–5, 12
of team/team members experience (IEE) 176 informal, during
150–153 intermittent reinforcement environmental
resistance to embracing 10, 336 enrichment 103–110
it 147–148 intervention training perception and 78–79
taking it personally 164 290, 336 primate 217–220
training integrated into introverts 147 reptiles 227–245
143–165 invertebrates, European social see social learning
presentations and theory 3–13, 153–154
i performances 253 types of 81–246
ibis, crested 39 difficulties in determining
illness and disease 282 j 25–27
elephants 186 jackpots 129 ultimate benefits 35–51
learning to avoid food Jackson’s organ 78 wild animals 15–34
causing 292 jaguar 18, 108, 128 learning (visitor) see education
imitation and mimicking 25, Japan, legislation 321 least intrusive and minimally
26, 336 jays, Western scrub 236 aversive (LIMA)
birds 236 principle 62
dolphins 204 k least intrusive effective
vocal 205, 236 keeper–animal interactions behaviour intervention
imprinting 84–85, 336 see human–animal (LIEBA) algorithm 63
mal‐imprinting 167, 336 interactions legislation 318, 319–323
sexual 25, 84, 91 killer whale 25 UK 214, 321
incident severity 310 knowledge (staff) 153–154 lemurs 211–212, 281
independence 85–86 Kolmården Zoo 331 LIEBA (least intrusive effective
India, legislation 320 Komodo dragon 221–222 behaviour intervention)
individual (animal) algorithm 63
learning 4–5, 12 l lifetime, learning and
training in group setting language experiences across
327–332 body see body language (learning history)
see also others; people common language around 83–94
Indonesia, legislation 320 theory 153–154 adult life 87–94
inflexible learning, birds 235 dolphin 204 early life 83–85
information, shared see shared pinnipeds 205 maturation 85–86
information latency in behaviour 131 primates 219