Page 377 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 377
Index 349 positive see positive poorly timed 57 reversal learning,
reptiles 228
positive see positive
Rhinella marina and cane
reinforcement vs 53–67
wild animals 18–19 primary 17, 54, 122, 336 toads 291–294
puppy training 56 food 110, 110–111, 239, rhinoceroses 139, 162, 263
318–322 Rhinoptera bonasus (cownose
q punishment vs 53–67 rays) 149, 161, 239
quolls, northern 291–294 rate of 124, 128, 336 risk‐taking, presentations and
safe delivery 318–322 performances 255
r schedules of 9–11, 337 robins, New Zealand 296
Rangifer tarandus (reindeer) secondary 17, 64, 337 rods (retina) 70
71, 73 unconditioned running, presentation
rat reinforcer 54 254, 265
learning opportunity studies wild animals 17–18
44, 45, 47 reintroduction (release into s
observational learning 24 the wild) 36–41 Sacramento Zoo 169
ratchet effect 217 training prior to 37, 38, safety (health and) 309–325
ratio strain 124, 336 40, 289–308 culture of 309, 310, 313,
ratsnakes 40, 41 relationships, human–animal 315, 324
rays (HAR) 59, 87, policies/protocols/rules
cownose 149, 161, 239 119–121, 163–164, 318 315–318
honeycomb whiptailed 240 birds 232–234 departures from
stingrays 21, 27 marine mammals 200 313–314
red fox 298–299 positive/strong 160, 170, practical tips 318–323
red river hog 146–147 171, 200, 282, 283, 318 roles and responsibilities
redirection (behaviour) respecting potential of every 310–311
61, 64 animal 318 situational awareness
reindeer 71, 73 trusting see trust 311–313, 314,
reinforcement 7–10, 53–67, see also social interactions 315, 324
318–322, 329–330, 336 release into the wild see Saguinus oedipus (cotton‐top
backup reinforcer 127, reintroduction tamarins) 173
128, 129 reliability, behavioural 62 Saimiri sciureus squirrel
conditioned reinforcer 54 reproduction/mating 23, 91 monkeys 29, 87
continuous 9–10, 10, cane toad 291 San Diego Zoo 265
18, 335 fish 243 Sapajus apella (tufted
definition of reinforcer 337 olfactory perception and capuchins) 20–21, 87
differential, of incompatible 77, 78 Savannah Ecosystem at
behaviour 133, stress and 334 Cincinnati Zoo
140, 335 wild animals 23, 25 and Botanical
food see food reptiles 221–230 Gardens 265
future behaviour 140–141 learning repertoire scent 77–79, 108
group settings 329–330 227–245 perception 78–79
intermittent 10, 336 training 221–225 production and
magnitude of 336 worldwide presentations and distribution 77–78
misuse of common performances 253 see also olfaction
definitions 58 responsibilities sea lions 61, 90, 127,
negative see negative employees see staff 133–134, 203, 205
reinforcement employers 310 California 65, 133, 203,
Pavlov coining of term 5 retina 70 205, 252