Page 380 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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352  Index  training (basic references)   ultrasound  161      video presentations
                                         cardiac  145
                                                                       104–105, 107
              ethical considerations see
                                         gorillas  145, 161
                                                                   dolphins  204
                  ethics               unconditioned punishers  54  vision (programme)  145,
              husbandry and  143–165   unconditioned reinforcers  54   146, 147
              impact/implications      unconditioned stimuli  6, 337  vision (sight)  69–71
                on operations and      unfamiliar people  167, 168,   colour see colour vision
                  mission on  247–334       170, 171–176, 177, 240  elephant cognition
                on welfare  271–288    United Kingdom (UK)             and  191
              misuse and challenges         legislation  214, 321  event markers and  126–127
                  56–58                United States, legislation  322  fish  243, 243–244
              passive  234               see also North America    informal learning and
              primates  211–215        unnatural (non‐natural;         104–105, 107, 108
              prioritisation in  63,        artificial) behaviours     marine mammals  199,
                  153, 163                  276–277                    203, 206
              process grounded in safety     in educational events  250,   reptiles  228
                  324                       251, 252              visitors (public and staff)
              for reintroduction into the   natural vs  250, 251, 252,   172–176, 249–269
                  wild  37, 38, 40,         276–277                attitudes  263
                  289–308              unstructured learning       avoiding  175–176
              reptiles  221–225             93, 94                 changing nature of
            trial‐and‐error learning  5,   Ursus americanus (black     interactions with
                  22, 93, 217               bear)  294                 animals  176–177
            trust (team members)       Ursus arctos (brown bear)     disregarding/ignoring
              between human and animal      138, 142, 173              172–174
                  59, 119–120, 125–126,   Ursus maritimus (polar bear)     education  176, 249–269
                  137, 160                  28, 198, 280, 323      empowerment seen by
                birds  232             USA see North America;          140–141
                orangutans  212             United States          as stimulation source  174
                as top priority  163   uShaka Marine World         see also entertainment;
              between team members          265–266                    performance;
                  146–147, 150                                         presentations
            tufted capuchin monkeys    v                          vocalisations
                  (Sapajus apella)     value (perceived by animal)     elephant  191
                  20–21, 87                 56–57                  imitating  205, 236
            turkey, wild  148          varanid lizards  291, 300   informal learning and  108
            turkey vulture  265        Varanus komodoensis        vomeronasal organ  78
            Tursiops truncates (bottlenose   (Komodo dragon)      Vulpes lagopus (Arctic
                  dolphins)  21, 27, 90,    221–222                    fox)  40
                  175, 197, 204, 205   variable interval          vulture, turkey  265
            turtles  23, 85, 227–228        (reinforcement
            Twitmyer, Edwin  5              schedules)            w
            two‐way communication           10, 105, 337          Waco Zoo  211
                  124–134              variable ratio (reinforcement   walking performances  254
                                            schedules)  10,       wallabies, tammar  296
            u                               105, 337              walruses  26, 153
            UK legislation  214, 321   ventral clinging by infant   watching see observation
            ultimate explanations/causes    primates  36          water snakes  40
                  (behaviour and       vervet monkeys  15, 24, 36,   Watson, John  6, 7, 122
                  learning)  35, 337        92, 218               weaning  85–86
   375   376   377   378   379   380   381