Page 378 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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350 Index sea lions (cont’d) shared information social enhancement 23, 336
social enrichment 103–105
presentations and
animals 25
social facilitation 22–23
with trainer 126
250, 252, 259, 262 team members 147 social interactions
Steller 198–199 sharks 69, 239, 242, 243, 245 with humans see human–
sea otters 21, 203 sheep, undesirable behaviour animal interactions
seal 175–176 with other animals (incl.
grey 328, 329, 330 shifting 55, 140 conspecific) 87,
pups captured by killer cues 159 282–284
whales 25 problems 122 in performances 255
search and rescue training, reptiles 222 social learning 22–27, 87–88
dogs 56 shows see performances and predator avoidance and
self‐assessment 157 shows 23, 24–25, 29, 301–302
self‐directed behaviours, Singapore Zoo 133, 172 social species
learning opportunity sirenians 202, 203, informal learning
effects 46 205–206, 206 opportunities 103
self‐recognition in mirror, situational awareness (zoo training individual in group
elephant 192 professional) setting 327
semantic ability 204, 337 311–313, 314, 315, 324 soft release into the wild
sensitisation 93 skills and abilities 38–39
see also desensitisation animals, motivation and sound see hearing
sensitive periods 110, 337 120–121 South Africa
sensory abilities (incl. special staff legislation 321
senses) 69–79 over‐estimating their own uShaka Marine World
elephants 107, 109, skills 144–145 (Durban) 265–266
191–192 sharpening 156–158 South America
fish 243, 244–245 Skinner, B.F. 7–11 legislation in Colombia 320
informal learning slender loris 213 presentations and
opportunities and smaller animals 162–163 performances 253
106–109 smelling see olfaction space, personal 125–126
marine mammals Smithsonian National spatial learning/knowledge/
203–204, 205–206 Zoo 104 cognition
see also specific senses snakes 38, 40, 222–223, 228 birds 235–236
sensory enrichment 43–44, reintroduction and learned elephants 192–193
106–109 behaviours 40–41 fish 243–244
separation of individual (for responses to/fear of 15, 29 reptiles 227, 228
training) from group `sneaky’ animal 58 wild animals 21–22
327, 328 snowflake eel (Echidna spatial separation of individual
seriemas 257–258 nebulosi) 163 (for training) from
sexual imprinting 25, 84, 91 sociability in adult life 87–88 group 327
shaping (process/behaviour) social behaviour species
11–12, 129–130, fission–fusion societies 219 same see conspecifics
135, 337 reintroduction effects of 39 used in educational
foot‐work and 139 training individual in group demonstrations
importance of learning 41 setting and 327 250–252
magnitude reinforcement social cognition 22–27, species‐specific considerations
and 129 192, 236 (learning and training)
personality 44 birds 236 aquatics 29–42
target training and 135 elephants 192 primates 217–220