Page 374 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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346  Index  LIMA (least intrusive and   mammals  197–209       mimicking see imitation and
                                           cognitive abilities
                  minimally aversive)
                  principle  62
                                                                   as pillar of animal welfare
            lion  125, 134, 159            training  197–201      mind
            Little Albert  6, 7          species‐specific              273, 274
            little owls  299                considerations in      theory of  236, 337
            lizards  177, 221, 223, 228     training  23–42       minnows, fathead  296
              varanid  291, 300          wildlife  21             mirrors
            local enhancement  23, 336  Marineland (formerly Marine   birds  107
            location (specific to each      Studios)  197          elephant self‐recognition
                  animal in group      marsupials  291, 299–300,       192
                  training)  331            301, 302              mission, impact of training on
              see also place avoidance  `Marwood Zoo’ safety policy    247–334
            London Zoo  211, 212, 213,      statement  316        mobbing behaviour  18
                  261, 265             Maryland Zoo  135          Moholi bushbaby  213
            long‐billed corella  175   mastery  150, 156          monkeys  6
            Lorenz, Konrad  23, 167      see also expert           baboons  88, 174, 218
            loris, slender  213        match‐to‐sample (MTS)  192,   capuchin see capuchin
            Loxodonta africana see          204, 205, 336              monkeys
                  elephants            mate recognition  84–85     macaques  88, 173, 212
            luring  128–129              see also reproduction     squirrel  29, 87
                                       maturation  85–86           tamarins  173
            m                          mechanical training skills     vervet  15, 24, 36, 92, 218
            macaques  88, 173, 212, 280     314–315               Morris, Desmond  174
            macaws  122, 130, 257      medical procedures see health   motivation  119–124
            Machiavellian intelligence      care incl. medical     motivating operations
                  87, 87                    procedures                 119, 121, 132, 336
            Macropus eugenii (tammar   meerkats  24, 91, 92,      mouse, environmental
                  wallabies)  296           172–173, 290               enrichment
            Macrotis lagotis (grater bilby)     Meleagris gallopavo (wild   studies  46
                  299–301                   turkeys)  148         movement perception  71
            magnitude reinforcement  336  Meles melas (badgers)  295  music  108
            mahout  187, 188, 189      memory                     Myanmar, semi‐captive
            Malayan tapir  163–164       birds  235, 236               elephants  176–190
            mal‐imprinted  167, 336      sirenians/manatees,
            mammals                         tests  206            n
              marine see marine species  working  314, 337        name targets  332
              worldwide presentations   mental state of another   natal homing  85
                  and performances          individual, awareness   natural behaviours  276–277,
                  253                       of (theory of mind)        278–279
            manakin, golden‐collared        236, 337               in educational event  250,
                  (Manacus             metronome  127                  251, 252
                  vitellinus)  91      Mexico City Zoo  174        unnatural vs  250, 251, 252,
            manatees  203, 205–206     mice, environmental             276–277
            manipulating objects,           enrichment            Natural Encounters,
                  presentations and         studies  46                Inc.  131
                  performances  255    migration  21–22, 85       nature (animal’s), as pillar of
            marine (aquatic) species     birds  235                    welfare  273–274
              fish see fish              fish  244                navigation  21–22
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