Page 372 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 372

344  Index  food (nutrients) (cont’d)  gaze (human)  88        hearing (auditory/acoustic
              novel, avoidance training
                                                                       function)  73–75
                                       gestures and dolphins  204
                  in wild animals
                                       gibbons  36, 108, 120, 218
                                                                   event markers and
                  294–295              giant pandas  334           elephant  191
              performances and         giraffes  61, 109, 110, 130,    126–127
                  presentations involving    137, 139, 160, 257    fish  244–245
                  256, 257, 257        Givskud Zoo (Denmark)  120  informal learning and
              quantities of, elephants   gobies, intertidal  244       104–105, 107, 108
                  and  193             gorillas  20, 21, 22, 25, 30, 86,   marine mammals  199,
              reinforcement  318–322,       120, 127–128, 145, 161,    203, 205–206
                  322–323                   218, 219, 280          owl  264–265
                primary  110, 110–111,   visitors and  174, 175   hierarchy of effective
                  239, 318–322         grabbing of trainer  60         procedures  62–63
              reptiles rewarded with     avoidance  322–323       Himantura undulata
                  222–223              grey partridge  37–38, 40       (honeycomb whiptailed
              soliciting from visitors  164  groups                    ray)  240
              see also feeding; foraging;   social enrichment and     hippos  135, 151
                  free feed                 103–104               historical perspectives  333
            foot care/work  139          social learning and predator   human–animal
              elephants  151, 184           avoidance in  302          interactions  167
            foraging (searching for food)     training individuals in     learning theory  4–12
                  25, 39–40                 327–332               history (learning) see lifetime
              fish  243                Guenon, Wolf’s  128        hog, red river  146–147
              optimal  21–22           guppies  90, 243, 244      hold behaviour  135, 330
              reintroduction and  39–40  gustation see taste      honeybee  16, 90
            forward conditioning       `gut’ feeling (zoo professional)    honeycomb whiptailed
                  16, 336                   314–315                    ray  240
            fox                                                   hoof trims  139
              Arctic (Vulpes lagopus)  40  h                      horse riding  56
              red  298–299             habitat                    houbara bustards
            free contact  60, 61, 184, 263,   imprinting  85           298–299
                  323–324                use  38–39               housing environment and
            free feed, marine mammals     habituation  92, 172–174     welfare  259
                  199–200                definition  92, 336      human–animal (keeper–
            free flight  129, 256–257, 258,   human–animal interactions   animal) interactions
                  264–265                   and  172, 172–174          87, 167–181, 283
            `freeze and go’ technique     handling  169            direct vs indirect  168,
                  232–233              hard release into the wild      175, 177
            future behaviour                38–39                  marine mammals  200
              consequences as drivers of     health and safety (for keepers)   performances and
                  131–132                   see safety                 presentations  255
              reinforcing  140–141     health care incl. medical   see also contact; people;
            future status (zoo              procedures (training       relationships; staff;
                  professional),            for)  132, 136–137,        visitors
                  projection of  311,       140, 159, 160         human‐induced changes,
                  312–314                elephants  183, 185           learning in response
                                         injections see injections     to  27
            g                            primates  60, 122,       human–wildlife conflict
            Galago moholi  213              211–212, 334               16, 294
            gap assessment  144, 145–146  see also disease        hummingbirds  19, 272
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