Page 365 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 365

Glossary  337  reinforcers  A consequential stimulus   syntactical ability  A metalinguistic skill,
                                                        which concerns the ability to consider the
               occurring contingent on a behaviour that
               increases or maintains the strength (rate,
               duration, and so on) of the behaviour.   structure rather than the meaning of a
             schedules of reinforcement  A rule       theory of mind  The ability to attribute
               governing the delivery of reinforcers.   mental states – beliefs, intents, desires,
             secondary reinforcers  Reinforcers that are   emotions, knowledge, etc. – to oneself,
               dependent on their association with other   and to others, and to understand that
               reinforcers.                             others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and
             semantic ability  Language skills refer to an   perspectives that are different from one’s
               understanding and appropriate use of     own.
               meaning in single words, phrases,      ultimate cause  The cause you can trace
               sentences, etc.                          back to the beginning: the very first event
             sensitive periods  A time or stage in a    in a chain of causes.
               person’s development when they are more   unconditional stimuli  A stimulus, the
               responsive to certain stimuli and quicker   capacity of which to elicit a response does
               to learn particular skills.              not depend upon its having been paired
             shaping  The reinforcement of successive   with another stimulus possessing this
               approximations of a target behaviour.    capacity.
             stationing  Refers to teaching an animal to   variable interval  A schedule in which a
               go to, and stay on, a home base of some   person is reinforced for the first response
               sort.                                    after a varying period of time has passed
             stereotypies  Rhythmic, repetitive, fixed,   since the previous reinforcement.
               predictable, purposeful, but purposeless   variable ratio  A schedule of reinforcement
               movements.                               in which one response is reinforced after a
             stimuli  A physical object or event that has   variable amount of time has passed.
               an effect on the behaviour of an individual.  working memory  The part of short‐term
             stimulus control  The control that stimuli in   memory that is concerned with
               our environment acquire over the         immediate conscious perceptual and
               behaviour we emit in their presence.     linguistic processing.
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