Page 226 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 226

CHAPTER                                                                  41

                                                                             Urethral Extension (Urethroplasty)

                                                                                                                    John  C.  Janicek

                       INDICATIONS                                                                                                                extending  from  the  urethral  orifice  to  near  the

                                                                                                                                                  mucocutaneous  junction so that urine enters the

                                                                                                                                                  vagina  caudal  to the brim  of the  pelvis,  allowing
                       Urine pooling,  urovagina.
                                                                                                                                                  gravity to assist in voiding  urine.  111 all techniques,

                                                                                                                                                  it is important  to  place the  first  suture  cranial  to

                                                                                                                                                  the  urethral  orifice to  minimize  the  risk of fistula

                       EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  formation  and  to  appose  the  dissected  tissue

                                                                                                                                                  shelves with minimal  tension.  Adequate  visualiza-

                       Long-handled  instruments  and  a  30-Fr  Foley                                                                            tion  is achieved  by  use of a vaginal  spatula  posi-

                       catheter  are  required.  Self- retaining  retractors                                                                      tioned  along  the  dorsal  aspect  of  the  vaginal

                       (vaginal  spatula,  Balfour,  modified  Finochietto)                                                                       lumen  along  with  ventrolateral  placement  of

                       and  a good  light  source  (floor  lamps,  headlamp,                                                                      towel clamps  in the vulvar  labiae.  Retraction  may

                       or fiberoptic  lights)  are useful  but not necessary.                                                                     also  be  provided  using  Balfour  or  modified

                                                                                                                                                  Finochietto  retractors.

                       PREPARATION AND POSITIONING                                                                                                Monin Technique

                                                                                                                                                  This  technique  involves  caudal  translocation  of
                       The  mare  is  restrained  standing  in  a  stock,  and

                       surgery  is performed  following  epidural  anesthe-                                                                       the  transverse  urethral  fold':'  and  is  recom-

                       sia, and  sedation  if necessary.  Once  anesthesia  is                                                                    mended  only in cases with  mild perinea!  confor-

                       confirmed,  the  tail  is  wrapped  and  securely                                                                          mational  abnormalities.  The  major  limitation  of

                       retracted.  Fecal  material  is  removed  from  the                                                                        this  technique  is the  inability  to  extend the ure-

                       rectum.  The  perinea!  region  is  rinsed,  followed                                                                      thral  opening  as far caudally  as can  be done  with

                      by  cleansing  of the  vaginal  lumen  with  a  dilute                                                                      other techniques, which  is necessary in mares with

                       povidine-iodine  solution.  The  perineal  region  is                                                                      moderate  to  severe  perineal  conformational

                       then  aseptically  prepared,  with  care  taken  to  not                                                                   abnormalities.

                      use alcohol,  as it may cause excessive irritation.                                                                                The  transverse  urethral  fold  is  grasped  with
                                                                                                                                                  Allis tissue  forceps  1  cm  abaxial  to  each  side  of

                                                                                                                                                  midline  and  retracted  approximately  5  cm  cau-

                                                                                                                                                  dally. The  lateral  aspect  of the transverse  urethral

                       PROCEDURE                                                                                                                  fold  is  split  horizontally  and  the  incision  is

                                                                                                                                                  extended  along  the  corresponding  ventrolateral

                      Various  repair  techniques  are described.  The  goal                                                                      vaginal wall (Figure 41-1).  The transverse urethral

                       of  all  techniques  is  to  create  a  mucosal  tunnel                                                                    fold is sutured to the vaginal floor  in the retracted

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