Page 16 - Natural Antioxidants, Applications in Foods of Animal Origin
P. 16
List of Abbreviations xv HOX high oxygen
HP high pressure
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
HPOs hydroperoxides
ICA iron chelating antioxidants
IDF insoluble dietary fiber
IT index of thromogenicity
IV iodine value
K potassium
Keq equilibrium constant
KRP kinnow rind powder
L*a*b* defined color space for reflectance colorimetry
LAOX linoleic acid accelerated by azo-initiators
LM liposterine
LMW low-molecular-weight
LOOH lipid hydroperoxides
LOQ limits of quantification
LOX lipoxygenase
LS lasalacid sodium salt
MAP modified atmosphere packaging
Mbg myoglobin
MDA malonaldehyde
ME mint extract
MEFS methanol extracts of fermented soybeans
MEs methanol extracts
MFGM milk fat globule membrane
MFM minced fish muscle
MHO menhaden oil
MMbg met-myoglobin
MST mechanically separated turkey
MUFA monounsaturated fatty acids
NADH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
NBT nitro blue tetrazolium
NDGA nordihydroguaretic acid
NL neutral lipids
NO• oxide radical
NO •. nitrogen dioxide radical
NOMb nitrosomyoglobin
NPN non-protein nitrogen
O •- superoxide radical