Page 17 - Natural Antioxidants, Applications in Foods of Animal Origin
P. 17

xvi                                                List of Abbreviations  O •          superoxide anion radical

            OE              oregano extract
            OEO             oregano essential oil
            OFA             undesirable fatty acids
            OFB             oryzanol fortified biscuits
            OFF             oryzanol fortified fat
            OG              octyl gallate
            OMbg            oxymyoglobin
            OP              olive pomace
            OPE             orange peel extract
            ORAC            oxygen radical absorbance capacity
            ORP             oxidation reduction potential
            OS              oxidative stability
            Oz              oryzanol
            p- AV           para- ansidine values
            PCL             polycaprolactone
            PDCAAS          protein digestibility corrected amino acid score
            PE              polyethylene
            PET             Polyethylene terephthalate
            PG              propyl gallate
            PHB             polydroxybutyrate
            PhIP            2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4, 5-b] pyridine
            PL              phospholipids
            PLA             poly lactic acid
            PMS             phenazonium methosulfate
            POH             phenolic compounds
            POPs            phytosterol oxidation products
            PP              pomegranate peels
            PP              polypropylene
            PPE             potato peel extract
            PPO             polyphenoloxidase
            PRP             pomegranate rind powder
            PS              polystyrene
            PSP             pomegranate seed powder
            PUFA            polyunsaturated fatty acids
            PV              peroxide value
            PVC             polyvinyl chloride
            R               radicals
            RDI             recommended daily intake
            RE              rosemary extract
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