Page 365 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 365  Lymphocyte Structure

               Lymphocytes are small, round cells, 7 to 15 µm in diameter. Each
               contains a single large round nucleus that stains intensely and

               evenly with hematoxylin (Fig. 13.1). This nucleus is surrounded by
               a thin rim of cytoplasm containing some mitochondria, free
               ribosomes, and a small Golgi apparatus (Fig. 13.2). Scanning
               electron microscopy shows that some lymphocytes are smooth
               surfaced, whereas others are covered by many small projections

               (Fig. 13.3). Innate lymphoid cells are often larger than T or B cells
               and may contain obvious cytoplasmic granules. With this
               exception, lymphocyte structure provides no clue as to their

               function or complexity (Fig. 13.4).

                              FIG. 13.1  Photomicrographs showing lymphocytes in stained
                            blood smears from horse, cat, and dog. Giemsa stain. (Courtesy Dr.
                                                      M.C. Johnson.)

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