Page 368 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 368  Lymphocyte Populations

               Lymphocytes are found throughout the body in lymphoid organs,
               in blood, and scattered under body surfaces (Fig. 13.5). Despite

               their uniform appearance, they are a diverse mixture of distinct
               populations. Although these populations cannot be identified by
               structural differences, they can be identified by their characteristic
               cell surface molecules and by their behavior (Table 13.1). The
               pattern of cell surface molecules expressed on a cell is called its

               phenotype. By analyzing cell phenotypes, it is possible to identify
               and classify many lymphocyte populations.

                                FIG. 13.5  The locations of lymphocytes within the body.

               TABLE 13.1
               Identifying Features of T and B Cells

                Property            B Cells                   T Cells
                Develop within      Bone marrow, bursa, Peyer's  Thymus
                Distribution        Lymph node cortex         Lymph node paracortex

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