Page 425 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 425  Memory T Cells

               As described, when naïve T cells encounter antigens with
               appropriate co-stimulation, they differentiate into multiple effector

               T cell populations. These effector cells are usually short lived
               because they are eliminated by apoptosis. However, some resist
               apoptosis, and develop into long-lived memory cells. These can be
               thought of as “antigen-experienced” cells. Memory T cells can be
               the most abundant T cell population in the body, especially in older

               animals since they accumulate throughout life. Compared to naïve
               T cells, memory cells are easier to activate, live longer, and have
               enhanced effector activity. As a result, they mount a strong rapid

               cytokine response the next time they encounter the antigen and can
               provide life-long protection against pathogens. The differences in
               behavior between naïve and memory T cells likely results from
               epigenetic modifications that alter gene transcription (mainly
               histone methylation [Chapter 20]) and hence cell functions.

                  This development of effector and memory T cell populations
               results from asymmetrical T cell division (Fig. 14.22). As described
               earlier, naïve T cells interact with antigen-presenting cells for

               several hours through an immunological synapse. Once it receives
               sufficient stimulation, a T cell begins to divide even before it
               separates from the antigen-presenting cell. The dividing T cell is
               polarized since one pole of the cell contains the immunological
               synapse and associated structures. The other pole contains

               molecules excluded from the synapse. Thus when the cell divides, it
               forms two distinctly different daughter cells. The daughter cell
               adjacent to the synapse is the precursor of the effector T cells. The

               daughter cell formed at the opposite pole is the precursor of the
               memory T cells.

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