Page 438 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 438

                             FIG. 15.6  The structure of a complete BCR, showing both the
                               antigen-binding component (immunoglobulin) and the signal
                            transducing components (CD79). Note the small transmembrane
                                         domain at the end of each heavy chain.

                  Antigen–BCR binding and cross-linking of two receptors exposes
               ITAMs on CD79a and CD79b. Phosphorylation of these ITAMs by

               src kinases leads to phosphorylation of a phospholipase C and a G-
               protein (see Fig. 8.12). Subsequent hydrolysis of
               phosphatidylinositol and calcium mobilization generates a protein
               kinase C and calcineurin and activates the transcription factors NF-

               κB and NF-AT. This eventually results in cell division and
               immunoglobulin production—providing the B cell also receives
               appropriate costimulatory signals from other sources.

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