Page 442 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 442

immunoglobulin class switching.  themselves encounter the antigen. This antigen can be presented by
                  In order to do all this, however, the helper T cells must

               one of the professional antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic

               cells, macrophages, or even B cells. Thus a B cell can capture and
               process antigen, present it to a T cell, and then receive co-
               stimulation from the same T cell. B cells thus play two roles. They
               respond to antigen by making antibodies while at the same acting

               as antigen-processing cells. The helper T cells provide B cells with
               co-stimulatory signals from cytokines as well as through interacting
               receptor pairs.

               Cytokine Secretion

               Th2 cells produce multiple cytokines that activate B cells. The most
               important of these are interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-6, IL-13, and IL-
                  IL-4 stimulates the growth and differentiation of B cells and
               enhances their expression of MHC class II and Fc receptors. It also

               induces immunoglobulin class switching and thus stimulates IgA
               and IgE production (Table 15.1). The actions of IL-4 are neutralized
               by IFN-γ, which inhibits both IgA and IgE synthesis as well as B

               cell proliferation.

               TABLE 15.1

               Immunoglobulins Produced by B Cells in the Presence of Th1
               and Th2 Antigen-Specific Helper T Cell Clones in Mice

                      Th1 Cells Th2 Cells
                      (ng/mL)  (ng/mL)
                IgG1  <8      21,600
                IgG2a 14      39
                IgG2b <8      189
                IgG3  <8      354
                IgM   248     98,000
                IgA   <1      484
                IgE   <1      187
               Adapted from Coffmann RL, Seymour BW, Lebman DA, et al: The role of helper T cell
               products in mouse B cell differentiation and isotype regulation, Immunol Rev 102:5, 1988.

                  IL-5 promotes the differentiation of activated B cells into plasma
               cells. It stimulates IgG and IgM production and enhances IL-4-
               induced IgE production. IL-5 selectively stimulates IgA production

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