Page 446 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 446

                             FIG. 15.11  The stimulation of B cells through the CD21/CD19
                             complex. CD21 binds to C3d on the antigen. Signaling through
                            CD19, it generates a potent costimulatory signal to enhance B cell

                  The B cell Fc receptor, FcγRIIb, is a negative regulator of B cell
               function. When an IgG molecule binds and links this receptor to a
               BCR through antigen, it inhibits antibody formation. This has

               important practical consequences when vaccinating young animals
               (Chapter 25).

               Toll-Like Receptors and PAMP Help

               Although BCR-antigen-binding plus T cell co-stimulation trigger
               initial B cell division, they cannot induce a prolonged, self-
               sustaining B cell response. Complete activation of B cells also
               requires coordinated signals from their toll-like receptors (TLRs).

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