Page 487 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 487

                               FIG. 16.9  The gene structure of IgD differs greatly among
                             mammals. This diagram shows the exon structure of IgD heavy
                            chains in different species. No other immunoglobulin class shows
                                     such variation, and its significance is unknown.

                 Box 16.1

               IgD and the Microbiota

               Recent studies on the role of IgD have determined that B cell class
               switching from IgM to IgD in mice is initiated by the intestinal

               microbiota! In mice, much IgD is produced by the B cells of the
               intestinal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues. However, it is not
               produced in germ-free mice, nor is it produced in MyD88-deficient
               mice, indicating that production is triggered through toll-like

               receptors. The IgD produced in the intestine is active against the
               intestinal bacteria. Microbiota-associated IgD class switching can
               also be detected in the nasal mucosa. Thus IgD may play a role in
               regulating the normal microbiota.

               Choi JH, Wang KW, Zhang D, et al: IgD class switching is initiated by microbiota and
               limited to mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue in mice, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114: E1196-
               E1204, 2002.

                  The role of IgD has so far defied explanation, but it probably
               regulates B cell responses. IgM to IgD class switching has been
               described in the upper respiratory mucosa of humans. This

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