Page 538 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 538

optional. Pigs have at least six TRDD genes compared to three and  two in human and mouse respectively. These pig genes may form

               transcripts with up to four joined TRDD domains.

               γ Chain

               The TRG locus contains 4 to 17 V genes, from 4 to 16 J genes, and
               from two to eight C genes depending on species. In the dog, the
               TRG locus is organized into eight cassettes, each containing a basic
               V-J-J-C unit, except for a J-J-C cassette at the 3′ end. It contains a
               total of 40 genes (16 V, 16 J, and 8 C). Eight of the 16 canine TRGV

               genes, 7 of 16 TRGJ genes, and six of eight TRGC genes are
               functional. The existence of these multiple TRGC genes suggests
               that the TCRs they generate may have diverse biological properties.

               Generation of T Cell Receptor V-Region


               There are three hypervariable regions (CDRs) in each TCR V region.
               The first two, located within the V genes, have probably arisen

               through selection. The third is by far the most variable and is
               located in the region where V, D, and J genes recombine (Table
               17.3). Neither somatic mutation nor gene conversion occurs in TCR
               genes. The genes that are separate in the germline are brought
               together by DNA rearrangement and are then modified by base

               insertion or deletion as the T cells differentiate (Fig. 17.14).

               TABLE 17.3
               TCR Diversity Among Mammal Germlines*

                       TCRA     TCRD       TCRB      TCRG
                       V    J  C V  J  D C V   D J  C V J  C
                Horses  5   5  1 8   3   1 16  1 14 2      2
                Bovine  >300 52 1 >100 3  5 1 134 3 21 3 17 8  6
                Sheep   4       28         120 3 18 3 13 13 5
                Pigs    33  61 1 31  10 6 1 10  3 21 3     6
                Dogs    34                 37  1 6  1 16 16 8
                Cats                                 4  8  6
                Mice    100  61 1 10  2  2 1 52  2 13 2 7  4  4
                Humans 54   61 1 8   4  3 1 88  2 14 2 15 5  2
               * The numbers in this table have been drawn from multiple references. They represent the
               number of germline genes reported at each locus. Not all these genes will be expressed,

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