Page 543 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 543  Epigenetic Regulation

               While every cell in an animal body contains a complete copy of the
               genome, they only employ the genes needed for their specific

               function. Thus a hepatocyte, for example, only uses those genes
               required for liver cell function. How do they do that? Processes that
               collectively control gene expression determine which genes are
               transcribed in each cell. This is called epigenetic regulation and has
               been likened to the software in a computer. Like software, a cell

               selects the most appropriate components (genes) for the task at
               hand. The importance of epigenetic regulation is well seen in the
               regulation of immunoglobulin production. Consider, for example,

               how somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination are
                  There are three major mechanisms of epigenetic regulation; DNA
               methylation is one. By adding a methyl group to the 5-position in
               certain cytosines within a gene, a gene can be turned off.

               Conversely demethylation results in gene activation. A second
               epigenetic mechanism involves histone modification. DNA in the
               nucleus is closely bound to the nuclear proteins called histones.

               These histones can be subjected to many chemical modifications
               such as methylation, phosphorylation, or acetylation. These histone
               modifications are introduced or removed by histone modifying
               enzymes. The modifications influence the interactions between the
               histones and DNA and as a result may activate or inhibit gene

               transcription. The third major epigenetic mechanism involves the
               production of microRNAs (miRNAs). These are small, noncoding
               RNAs that regulate gene expression by binding to messenger RNAs

               and influencing their functions. Collectively, these three epigenetic
               mechanisms determine which genes are active and which are
               inactive in any given cell type.
                  Thus B cell activation and differentiation is associated with
               genome-wide hypomethylation, an increase in histone acetylation

               and the appearance of a specific set of miRNAs. In the case of
               immunoglobulin synthesis, class switch recombination and somatic
               hypermutation are regulated by all three of these epigenetic

               processes. In effect, the production of the appropriate recombinases,

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