Page 540 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 540

Looping out and deletion account for more than 75% of TCR  rearrangements. The rest of the rearrangements are due to either

               unequal sister chromatid exchange or inversion. That is, moving an
               inverted segment of gene into a position beside a segment in the

               opposite orientation.

               Base Insertion and Deletion

               Although, in general, TCRs are constructed from a smaller V-, D-,
               and J-gene pool than immunoglobulins, their diversity is greater as
               a result of junctional diversity (Box 17.2). Random N-nucleotides

               may be inserted at the V, D, and J junctions using TdT. Up to five
               nucleotides may be added between V and D and four between D
               and J genes. Likewise, random nucleotides may be removed by

               nucleases. This insertion of N-nucleotides and base deletion is
               probably the most significant component of TCR junctional

                 Box 17.2

               Methods of Generating TCR Diversity

               VJ, VJJ, VDJ, and VDDJ gene recombination

               Base deletion

               Base insertion

               Combinatorial association

               Somatic Mutation

               Somatic mutation does not occur in TCR V genes. Although T cells
               must be able to recognize a foreign antigen in association with the

               presenting major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule, it is
               essential that they do not respond to self-antigens. If random
               somatic mutation were to occur, it would carry the unacceptable
               risk of altering MHC restriction and rendering the foreign antigen

               unrecognizable. It might also lead to the production of TCRs able to
               bind self-antigens and thus trigger autoimmunity.

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