Page 550 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 550  Apoptosis

               Cells can kill themselves. Old, surplus, damaged, or abnormal cells
               that would otherwise interfere with normal tissue functions can be

               persuaded to die as necessary. This cell suicide is called apoptosis.
               Apoptosis is carefully regulated and must only be triggered when a
               cell must die. Structurally, apoptosis is characterized by membrane
               blebbing, nuclear fragmentation, and cell death without lysis. These
               dying cells are usually phagocytosed by macrophages.

                  There are two major pathways of apoptosis: the extrinsic or death
               receptor pathway and the intrinsic or mitochondrial pathway. The
               extrinsic pathway is triggered by cytokines such as tumor necrosis

               factor-α (TNF-α) acting through specific death receptors such as
               CD95 (Fas). Death receptors are a family of cell surface receptors
               that when activated trigger apoptosis. They all possess an 80-amino
               acid cytoplasmic sequence called a death domain. The most
               important of these death receptors are CD95 and the tumor necrosis

               factor receptors (TNFRs). Death receptors are activated by ligands
               expressed on cytotoxic cells. The ligands bind to the receptors and
               cause the target cells to assemble multiple adaptor proteins into a

               signaling complex. This complex then activates initiator caspase-8
               and -10 (Fig. 18.2).

                              FIG. 18.2  The role of the three different types of caspase in
                               inflammation and apoptosis. The inflammatory caspases are
                                                 described in Chapter 3.

                  The mitochondrial pathway, in contrast, is triggered by noxious

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