Page 552 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 552

initiated by multiple damage signals, including injection of                mitochondria, the formation of an apoptosome, and activation of
                               granzymes, and leads to the release of cytochrome C from


                  The initiator caspases activated by either pathway activate a
               cascade of “effector caspases” (caspase-3, -6, and -7) that degrade
               cell proteins, activate endonucleases, break down organelles, and

               result in cell death and disassembly. The DNA of apoptotic cells is
               broken into many low-molecular-weight fragments. This
               fragmentation may be responsible for the characteristic way in

               which the nuclear chromatin condenses against the nuclear
               membrane (Fig. 18.4). Affected cells shrink and detach from the
               surrounding cells. Eventually nuclear break-up and cytoplasmic
               budding form cell fragments called apoptotic bodies (Fig. 18.5).

                           FIG. 18.4  Major morphological features of cell death by apoptosis.

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