Page 557 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 557

production and clonal expansion. Presumably cytotoxic T cells need  to be highly sensitive to viral peptides so that they can kill infected

               cells as soon as possible. These differences in signal thresholds are
               probably due to the structure of the immunological synapses

               formed when a cytotoxic T cell encounters a target.
                  When cytotoxic T cells encounter a target cell, a synapse forms at
               the point of contact (Fig. 18.7). This synapse has two “centers.” One
               part of the central zone contains clustered TCR-CD8 complexes. The

               other attracts secretory lysosomes that release their contents into
               the synaptic space and so destroy the target cell. Both are
               surrounded by a pSMAC rich in adhesion molecules that forms a
               “gasket,” preventing the accidental escape of cytotoxic molecules.

               Once the synapse forms, cytotoxic T cell killing is efficient. Within
               seconds after contacting a T cell, the organelles and the nucleus of
               the target show apoptotic changes, and the target is dead in less
               than 10 minutes. Cytotoxic T cells can disengage and move on to

               kill other targets within 5 to 6 minutes. In addition, several
               cytotoxic cells may join in killing a single target.

                              FIG. 18.7  Structure of the immunological synapse that forms
                           between a cytotoxic T cell and its target. The outer ring of adhesive
                               proteins forms an effective “gasket” that prevents leakage of
                           cytotoxic molecules into tissue fluid. There are, however, two central
                               SMACs. One is dedicated to signaling and contains the TCR

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