Page 585 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 585

Activated by these cytokines, they release IL-22, IL-17, and GM-                                    production of defensins.
                             CSF. This causes inflammation, macrophage activation, and the

                  Because they are required for the development of lymph nodes,

               Peyer's patches, and isolated lymphoid follicles, ILC3s are also
               called lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells. They regulate
               differentiation of B cells. They activate dendritic cells (cDC2 cells)
               and so influence IgA class switching on surfaces. In the spleen,

               ILC3s express the B cell growth factors BAFF, APRIL, and CD40L,
               and stimulate IgM production (see Box 15.2).

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