Page 203 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 203

Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   185

                                                                 They appear as small, mushroom-shaped elevations that
                   ·  gustatory papillae (papillae gustatoriae):       − fungiform papillae (papillae fungiformes),  protrude slightly above the tongue surface. Fungiform
                                                                 papillae are not as strongly keratinised as mechanical
                         − vallate papillae (papillae vallatae) and
                                                                 papillae. It is thought that fungiform papillae may contain
                         − foliate papillae (papillae foliatae).
                                                                 thermoreceptors. Occasional taste buds are present in
                                                                 the epithelium in calves and horses; in carnivores they are
                  MECHANICAL PAPILLAE                            abundant. Taste buds are more numerous in young ani-
                  Mechanical papillae typically have a connective tissue core  mals during the suckling period.
                  housing numerous nerve fibres and mechanoreceptors.   Vallate papillae occur at the transition from the body
                  Tactile stimuli are received by free nerve endings in the  to the root of the tongue. Horses and pigs have one pair
                  epithelium. The papillae are supplied by a dense vascular  of vallate papillae; two to three pairs are present in car-
                  network.                                       nivores. Vallate papillae are most numerous in ruminants
                     The filiform papillae of horses, pigs and goats mani-  (up to 24 on each side in sheep) (Figures 10.8 and 10.9).
                  fest as soft threads of epithelium that give the surface of  Each papilla is surrounded by an annular sulcus, the outer
                  the tongue a velvet-like smoothness. In cattle, sheep and  boundary of which is slightly elevated. The papilla itself
                  cats, small keratinised spines project towards the pharynx  does not protrude beyond the surface of the tongue. The
                  from a connective tissue core. These are responsible for  sulcus is lined by epithelium. On the papillary side, the
                  the characteristic roughness of the surface of the tongue  epithelium contains numerous taste buds (number varies
                  in these species. In cats, the protruding spines are sup-  with species).
                  ported on their rostral aspect by an additional papilla     Tubulo-acinar serous glands (Ebner’s glands, gusta-
                  (Figure 10.7).                                 tory glands) lie deep to the vallate papillae, between the
                     Blunt conical papillae are found in carnivores, pigs, cat-  tela submucosa and muscle fibre bundles. Their secretory
                  tle and small ruminants. In neonatal carnivores and piglets,  product passes through a branched system of ducts into
                  the margins of the tongue bear elongated marginal papil-  the base of the sulcus. Continuous production of secretion
                  lae. These form part of the lateral boundary of the oral  ensures that dissolved nutrients within the saliva are con-
                  fissure and facilitate sucking.                stantly washed from the surface of the taste buds, allowing
                                                                 new gustatory sensations to be detected.
                  GUSTATORY PAPILLAE                                Foliate papillae are located laterally near the root of
                  In gustatory papillae, the stratified squamous epithelium  the tongue. They are well developed in the horse, less so
                  contains specialised structures, termed taste buds, that  in pigs and carnivores and absent in ruminants. These
                  are concerned with the perception of taste stimuli (see  gustatory papillae consist of folds of mucous membrane
                  Chapter 16, ‘Receptors and sense organs’).     separated by transverse furrows (Figure 10.9). The walls
                     Fungiform papillae are distributed over the dorsum,  of the furrows house numerous taste buds. Dense accu-
                  margins and parts of the ventral surface of the tongue.  mulations of gustatory glands, similar in structure and

                  10.7  Filiform papilla (cat). This mechanical papilla is characterised by an aborally directed, conical spine aris-
                  ing from a primary papilla. An additional, supportive papilla lies on the oral aspect of the primary papilla.
                  Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x32).

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