Page 23 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 23

The cell (cellula)  5

                  are incorporated into cellular metabolic processes. Oxygen  (e.g. in neurons), neurotransmitters (e.g. acetylcholine  also passes into the cell.                   receptors on muscle cells) or mechanical forces (e.g. in the
                     These mechanisms are subject to hormonal and neu-
                                                                 inner ear).
                  ral control. The breakdown of substrates within the cell
                  is associated with generation of mechanical, thermal,  Vesicular transport
                  electrical or chemical energy. Eventually, the breakdown  Numerous macromolecules pass into or out of the cell
                  products are used to synthesise new structural elements  without compromising the integrity of the cell membrane.
                  and fuels. Cell-specific substances destined for secretion  This occurs through the formation of membrane-bound
                  by the cell are also produced. Metabolic waste products  vesicles that are pinched off from the plasmalemma
                  are eliminated by excretion.                   (vesicular transport). Within the cell, the vesicles are able
                                                                 to transfer their contents to other cellular compartments.
                  Mechanisms of substrate uptake                 The formation of vesicles can be demonstrated using
                  Substances that enter or leave the cell must pass through  electron microscopy. Two types of vesicular transport are
                  the boundary created by the plasmalemma. This occurs  recognised:
                  through membrane transport or vesicular transport.
                                                                   ·  endocytosis (uptake of macromolecules) and
                  Membrane transport                               ·  exocytosis (release of macromolecules).
                  The structure of the cell membrane permits the uptake of
                  low molecular weight and polar substances. This can occur
                  via (Figure 1.3):                              ENDOCYTOSIS
                                                                 In the process of endocytosis, the plasmalemma surrounds
                   ·  simple diffusion or                        the molecule before invaginating and budding off as a ves-
                   ·  membrane protein transport, through binding with:  icle (Figures 1.4 and 1.5). The uptake of vesicular contents
                         − carrier proteins or                   is often induced by an increase in the density of the plas-
                         − channel proteins.                     malemma in the vicinity of certain actin filament proteins
                                                                 (particularly clathrin, molecular weight 180,000 Da) (see
                  Carrier proteins permit the transport of small, water-  below). These proteins subsequently coat the exterior sur-
                  soluble molecules. These are usually specific to certain  face of the vesicle (coated vesicles).
                  types of molecules. Upon coupling with a molecule,   There are three mechanisms of endocytosis:
                  the protein undergoes conformational changes that
                  result in carriage of the molecule across the membrane.   ·  pinocytosis,
                  This may involve active transport against a concentra-  ·  receptor-mediated endocytosis and
                  tion gradient (e.g. Na /K  pumps) or passive transport    ·  phagocytosis.
                  (e.g. glucose).
                     Channel proteins also transport small water-soluble
                  molecules. They are regulated by membrane potentials

                  1.3  Transmembrane molecular transport (schematic).

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