Page 25 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 25

The cell (cellula)  7

                  (vacuoles). The internalised vesicles, which can reach 250  100% of their cell surface in the form of vesicles within  nm in diameter, are referred to as phagosomes (Figure 1.6).  a period of half an hour. Since this does not alter the
                  Phagocytosis is predominantly performed by specialised  surface of the volume of the cell, it follows that the
                  cells (phagocytes), particularly cells of the mononuclear  vesicles  are  extensively  recycled,  and  reincorporated
                  phagocytic system (MPS).                       into the cell membrane. Membrane-associated release
                     Phagocytosis is typically a receptor-mediated process  of materials by the cell is also part of this recycling
                  in which cell surface receptors recognise antibody frag-  process.
                  ments associated with invading microorganisms or cells.   In most cases, vesicles formed by endocytosis enter the
                  In the cell-mediated immune response, for example (see  endosomal system (see below). In some cases, endocytotic
                  Chapter 8, ‘Immune system and lymphatic organs’), bac-  vesicles are transported through the cell and released at
                  teria become coated with antibody molecules that are  another surface, without undergoing alteration. This pro-
                  recognised by receptors on macrophages. Binding of the  cess is referred to as transcytosis (cytopempsis).
                  antibody with the receptor stimulates the cell to engulf
                  and phagocytose the microorganism.             EXOCYTOSIS
                     In addition, phagocytes have the capacity to take up  The mechanism of exocytosis is similar to that of endo-
                  non-biological materials (e.g. inhaled pollutants) and cell  cytosis but occurs in the opposite direction. Cellular
                  fragments (e.g. from wounds, sites of inflammation and  products are packaged into vesicles within the cell and
                  cell degeneration) without the involvement of receptors.  transported to the surface. The vesicles fuse with the
                  Phagocytosis is usually associated with a reorganisation  plasmalemma and deposit their contents into the sur-
                  of intracellular actin filaments. Ingestion of substances by  rounding medium. After fusion of the exocytotic vesicle
                  phagocytosis is thus a clathrin-independent actin-depend-  with the plasmalemma, the membrane associated with
                  ent form of endocytosis.                       the vesicle is reintroduced into the cytoplasm in a subse-
                     Vesicle formation occurs at varying rates in differ-  quent endocytotic event. Two exocytotic pathways are
                  ent  cells.  Macrophages  are  capable  of  internalising  recognised:

                  1.6  Overview of the principal cellular organelles and various types of cell surface specialisations.

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