Page 24 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 24

6  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   1.4  Endocytotic and exocytotic vesicles in a vessel wall (x20,000).

                   Pinocytosis                                    receptors. If these are lost, the affected cell is recognised as
                   The term pinocytosis refers to the formation of small  senile and is taken up by macrophages (part of the innate
                   vesicles containing fluid or soluble macromolecules.  immune system).
                   Most cells are capable of this type of endocytosis. It is a   In this form of endocytosis, uptake of molecules occurs
                   continuous, dynamic process, supported by mechanoen-  in well-defined regions of the cell in which clathrin mol-
                   zymes. Pinocytotic vesicles are particularly numerous in  ecules are aggregated (coated pits). Interaction of clathrin
                   the endothelia of blood vessels and in smooth muscle cells.  with the receptor is mediated by adaptin, a vesicular trans-
                   Pinocytosis is clathrin-independent.           port adaptor protein. These membrane segments then
                                                                  become liberated from the plasmalemma forming ‘coated
                   RecePtoR-mediated endocytosis                  vesicles’ (transport vesicles of clathrin-dependent recep-
                   Receptor-mediated endocytosis is observed in many types  tor-mediated endocytosis) (Figure 1.5).
                   of cells. It involves surface receptors for specific ligands
                   (e.g. Fc receptors for antigen–antibody complexes, LDL  Phagocytosis
                   receptors for regulation of cellular cholesterol homeo-  Phagocytosis involves the uptake of  solid particles.
                   stasis, transferrin receptors for iron metabolism). The  Cellular ingestion of large particles (e.g. bacteria) or cell
                   surface of erythrocytes contains embedded glycoprotein  fragments results in the formation of vesicular inclusions

                   1.5  Receptor-mediated endocytosis (schematic).

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