Page 242 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 242

224  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   proximal segment of the canal (zona columnaris) com-  modification of steroids. In carnivores, paired anal sacs  mences at the anorectal line. Here the glandular mucosa  (sinus paranales) lined with stratified squamous epithe-
                   of the rectum (lined with simple columnar epithelium)  lium are present ventrolateral to the anal canal.
                   abruptly changes into the non-glandular mucosa of the
                                                                     Located in the wall of the anal sacs are the glands of
                   anal canal (lined with stratified squamous epithelium). The  the anal sacs (glandulae sinus paranales) These apocrine
                   zona columnaris is followed by the narrow zona interme-  modified sweat glands function as scent glands. In cats, the
                   dia. From its distal boundary (the anocutaneous line), the  anal sacs also contain sebaceous glands.
                   zona intermedia is continued by the zona cutanea which
                   has keratinised stratified squamous epithelium.  Avian intestine
                      The zona columnaris contains numerous longitudi-  The avian intestine is relatively short compared to that of
                   nal folds (anal columns) underlaid by bundles of smooth  domestic mammalian species. Its length is influenced by
                   muscle and a submucosal vascular (or venous) plexus.  diet, being relatively long in granivores and grass-feeders
                   Grooves located between the folds are termed  anal  and shorter in carnivores. A peculiarity of the intestine of
                   sinuses. The tela submucosa of the columnar zone con-  birds is the presence of intestinal villi throughout the
                   tains reticular tissue and isolated lymphatic nodules. The  length of the small and large intestine. Central lacteals
                   zona intermedia is lined with papillated non-keratinised  are absent in birds. The epithelium is simple columnar
                   stratified squamous epithelium. Diffuse lymphatic tissue  and, in addition to chief and goblet cells, contains a sparse
                   and lymphatic nodules are present in the deeper connec-  population of endocrine cells. Intestinal glands, smooth
                   tive tissue layers of this middle zone of the anal canal.  muscle cells and lymphatic tissue are present in the lamina
                   Tonsil-like structures are present in the pig and dog. In  propria mucosae throughout the intestine.
                   both species, the submucosa contains tubulo-acinar anal   A thin lamina muscularis mucosae separates the mucosa
                   glands (glandulae anales). The secretion of these glands  from the tela submucosa. In addition to vessels and nerve
                   is mucous in the pig and lipid in the dog. The intermediate  plexuses (Meissner’s plexus), the submucosa of most avian
                   zone is separated from the cutis of the external skin by the  species houses duodenal glands (glandulae duodenales).
                   anocutaneous line.                             Exceptions include chickens, ducks and geese (Figures
                      The beginning of the zona cutanea is characterised by  10.62 to 10.66).
                   the appearance of structures associated with hairy skin   In the typically thin tunica muscularis, the circular layer
                   (hairs, sweat and sebaceous glands). In the dog, and to a  is thicker than the longitudinal layer. This layer also con-
                   lesser extent in the cat, the wall of the cutaneous zone of  tains autonomic intramural neural networks (Auerbach
                   the anal canal also contains hepatoid modified sebaceous  plexus) and vessels.
                   glands, the circumanal glands (glandulae circumana-
                   les). These glands lack excretory ducts. Their secretory
                   products appear to be hormones that participate in the

                       Intestinal villi –
                   epithelium mucosae
                    and lamina propria

                       Intestinal gland
                     Tunica muscularis

                   10.62  Duodenum (chicken). Haematoxylin and eosin   10.63  Jejunum (chicken). Haematoxylin and eosin
                   stain (x40).                                   stain (x25).

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