Page 247 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   229

                                                                            10.71  Liver lobule (dog). The lobular
                                                                            structure is indistinct, marked only
                                                                            by the central vein and portal canals.
                                                                            Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x100).

                  fibres and associated connective tissue, are present at some  kuPffeR cells (macRoPhagocyti stellati)
                  of the corners of the polygon (Figure 10.72).  A distinctive feature of the endothelium is the presence
                     Within the classic lobule, the hepatocytes are arranged  of Kupffer cells. As components of the MPS system, these
                  in plates (lamina) surrounded by sinusoids. Blood flows  cells have a phagocytic function (Figure 10.78). Kupffer
                  from the periphery of the lobule towards the central vein  cells develop from bone marrow-derived cells and from
                  (Figure 10.68).                                mesodermal stem cells of the liver.
                                                                    Based on their three-dimensional morphology, Kupffer
                  LIVER SINUSOID (VAS SINUSOIDEUM)               cells are also referred to as stellate macrophages. They may
                  The blood capillaries of the liver have several special char-  become partly detached from the endothelium or bulge
                  acteristics. They are extensively interconnected, up to 0.5  into the sinusoid. Kupffer cells phagocytose circulating
                  mm long and, depending on the functional status of the  cell fragments, damaged blood cells, bacteria, immune
                  liver, 5–15 μm wide with irregular outpouchings. Increases  complexes, fibrin and dissolved substances. They store and
                  in lumen diameter greatly slow the flow of blood, con-  release iron. In contrast to endothelial cells, Kupffer cells
                  siderably facilitating exchange of substances with the  contain abundant organelles, particularly phagosomes, lys-
                  hepatocyte. At least one surface of each hepatocyte faces  osomes and peroxisomes. They are characterised by high
                  a sinusoid. Morphologically, sinusoids are characterised by  peroxidase activity.
                  the following features:                           As cells of the MPS system, Kupffer cells also participate
                                                                 in breakdown of haemoglobin originating from erythro-
                   ·  endothelial cells with pores, endothelial vesicles and   cytes. This results in the formation of bilirubin, which is
                      intercellular openings,                    released by the Kupffer cells and passes into hepatocytes.
                   ·  discontinuous basal lamina and             In the smooth ER of the hepatocyte, bilirubin (insoluble
                   ·  the presence of Kupffer cells.             in water) is enzymatically converted into soluble bilirubin
                                                                 glucuronide and transported through the bile ducts to the
                  WALL OF SINUSOID                               intestine, from whence it is excreted as urobilinogen.
                  Hepatic sinusoids are lined with flattened  endothelial   In addition, Kupffer cells synthesise PGD , PGE  and
                                                                                                     2    2
                  cells that frequently contain non-fenestrated micropi-  other prostaglandins, interleukin-1 and -2, leukotriene D
                  nocytic vesicles (coated vesicles). Numerous irregularly  and C  as well as interferon and tumour necrosis factor.
                  spaced pores (diameter up to 0.5 μm) are usually present.
                  Intercellular spaces occur sporadically throughout the   PERISINUSOIDAL SPACE (SPATIUM
                  endothelial lining. As the basal lamina is discontinuous,   PERISINUSOIDEUM)
                  pores and intercellular spaces permit the free passage of  Between the wall of the sinusoids and the surface of the
                  substances between the lumen of the sinusoid and the peri-  hepatocytes is a narrow space (0.5–1 μm), the perisinu-
                  sinusoidal space of Dissé (see below).         soidal space (space of Dissé; spatium perisinusoideum)
                                                                 (Figure 10.78).
                                                                    The perisinusoidal space plays an important part in reg-
                                                                 ulating interactions between the sinusoid endothelium and

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