Page 250 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 250

232  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   (Figures 10.74, 10.78 and 10.79). The Golgi apparatus is  10 days. These organelles contribute to metabolism by pro-  responsible for turnover and storage of substances under-  viding energy. Enzymes associated with the mitochondrial
                   going intracellular transport. The membrane systems of  membranes and matrix are involved in the cellular respira-
                   the Golgi apparatus participate in the formation of pro-
                                                                  tory chain, the citric acid cycle and β-oxidation.
                   teoglycans and the manufacture of lipoproteins and bile   Lysosomes are plentiful near the bile canaliculi (see
                   acids. In addition, they are the site of production of intra-  below). These serve in intracellular digestion of exog-
                   cellular membranes and numerous enzymes (e.g. acid  enous  or endogenous  substances.  The  breakdown  of
                   phosphatases, thiaminopyrophosphatases).       proteins, glycoproteins, glycolipids, nucleic acids and
                      Hepatocytes contain abundant, usually oval mitochon-  lipids takes place within lysosomes. In addition, lysosomes
                   dria. Their number and structure vary according to the  form residual bodies, or lipofuscin. Organelles referred
                   level of cellular activity (up to 3000 mitochondria per cell).  to as microbodies contain metabolic enzymes including
                   Hepatocyte mitochondria are replaced approximately every  oxidases, uricase and catalase.

                   10.76  Fine structure of a bile canaliculus (horse; x15,000).

                   10.77  Interlobular artery and vein supplying a liver lobule, and bile canaliculi passing between hepatocytes and
                   opening into bile ductules (schematic).

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