Page 253 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 253

Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   235

                   Species variation                             The tunica mucosa (Figure 10.83) is lined by a simple colum-  Birds: The structure of the liver and bile passages of birds   reflects the intense absorptive activity of the epithelial cells.
                                                                 nar epithelium that typically has a distinct brush border. This
                   is similar to that of mammals. The main distinction is
                                                                 The prominent intercellular spaces are hyperosmolar (via
                   the limited amount of interlobular connective tissue, and
                   thus poor differentiation of hepatic lobules, in birds. The
                   plates of hepatocytes may be composed of a single layer
                   (sparrows) or a double layer (chicken) (Figures 10.81 and
                   10.82). The surface of the avian liver is covered by a tunica
                   serosa, resting upon a thin stratum fibrosum. The liver
                   is enclosed by the hepatic peritoneal sac. Double layers of
                   serous lamellae anchor the liver within the coelomic cavity.

                  Gall bladder (vesica biliaris, vesica fellea)
                  The gall bladder stores bile. In addition, bile is concentrated
                  in the gall bladder by the reabsorption of water. The gall
                  bladder is absent in the horse. In the empty gall bladder,
                  the mucosa is thrown into folds (plicae tunicae mucosae).
                  Invaginations and crypts (cryptae tunicae mucosae) allow
                  the mucosa to expand without excessive stretching of the
                  gall bladder wall.
                     The layers of the gall bladder wall are as follows:

                   ·  tunica mucosa: simple columnar epithelium with
                      microvilli and goblet cells,
                   ·  lamina propria mucosae: contains mucoid glands
                      (particularly in ruminants),
                   ·  tunica muscularis: musculo-elastic tissue, smooth
                      muscle arranged in spiral lattices,
                   ·  tunica adventitia: where gall bladder adjoins the
                      liver and                                  10.81  Wall of gallbladder with simple columnar epi-
                                                                 thelium and mucous glands (ox). Goldner’s Masson
                   ·  tunica serosa: on the free surface of the gall bladder.  trichrome stain (x120).

                  10.82  Liver with sparse connective tissue between   10.83  Section of liver taken from the centre of a lob-
                  hepatic  lobules  (chicken).  Haematoxylin  and  eosin   ule (chicken). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x200).
                  stain (x120).

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