Page 31 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 31

The cell (cellula)  13

                     Function:  Smooth  ER is  abundant  in cells  that  are   GOLGI APPARATUS (COMPLEXUS GOLGIENSIS)  active in lipid metabolism (e.g. liver cells). The mem-
                                                                 The Golgi apparatus is named after the Italian neurohistol-
                  brane of the sER contains enzymes involved in synthesis  ogist and Nobel prize winner, Camillo Golgi (1843–1926).
                  of lipoproteins and serves as an anchor for components of  With the aid of a similarly eponymous silver stain, Golgi
                  gluconeogenesis. In the liver, the sER contains enzymes  observed what he described as an apparato reticulare interno
                  involved in detoxification (e.g. of harmful hydrocarbons).  within nerve cells derived from the cerebellum.
                  Steroid hormone synthesis takes place in the smooth ER   Structure: The Golgi apparatus is a compound struc-
                  of cells of the adrenal cortex and corpus luteum. Muscle  ture composed of slightly curved clusters of stacked,
                  cells contain a modified form of sER (sarcoplasmic reticu-  flattened (plate-like) membrane-bound cisternae or sacs.
                  lum), in which Ca  ions are stored.               The membrane stacks have a smooth surface and are
                     Smooth endoplasmic reticulum also participates in the  not in direct contact with one another. As in the endoplas-
                  formation and recycling of cellular membranes.  mic reticulum, the membranes enclose a lumen that may
                                                                 be dilated, depending on the activity of the cell. Dilatations
                  Organelles of protein modification and         at the ends of the cisternae become pinched off to form
                  vesicular trafficking                          vesicles. Individual membrane stacks are also referred to
                  All cells contain a vesicular trafficking system through  as dictyosomes (Figures 1.6, 1.16 to 1.18). Dictyosomes
                  which its various organelles are connected. This includes  are concentrated around the nucleus. Most cells contain
                  vesicles that enter the cytosol after budding from the  at least one Golgi apparatus. Depending on the type and
                  membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum and the outer  function of the cell, multiple Golgi apparatuses may be
                  membrane of the nuclear envelope.              present. This applies in particular to secretory cells (e.g.
                     Cytoplasmic vesicles that arise through endocytosis, as  in salivary glands, intestinal glands, nerve cells and hepat-
                  well as endosomes and lysosomes, also contribute to trans-  ocytes). Dictyosomes have a forming, or cis, side and a
                  port of substances within the cell.            maturing, or trans, side.
                     Most of these transport vesicles interact with a key   Cis side: The cis side takes up membrane-bound, thin-
                  organelle, the Golgi apparatus, which is responsible for  walled transport vesicles originating from the endoplasmic
                  sorting, packaging and directing of metabolic products  reticulum. The vesicle membrane fuses with that of the
                  within the cell. Vesicular transport is carefully controlled  Golgi apparatus and the vesicular contents enter the cister-
                  and takes place along the system of microfilaments within  nal lumen. This process is repeated, with transport vesicles
                  the cell (cytoskeleton).                       conveying materials from one cisterna to the next. Vesicles
                                                                 arising from the nuclear envelope pass into the Golgi

                  1.17  Dictyosomes in an actively secreting gland cell   1.18  Dictyosomes of a Golgi apparatus in an actively
                  (x14,000).                                     secreting gland cell containing secretory granules

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