Page 32 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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14  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   apparatus in a similar manner. The cis side thus represents   Membrane recycling: Fusion of the transport vesicle  the side of substance uptake and growth of the dictyosome.  membrane with the plasmalemma results in an increase
                      Trans side: The trans side features an accumulation  in the surface area of the cell. This phenomenon is limited
                   of vesicles that are still in contact with, or have become  by the simultaneous invagination and incorporation of
                   detached from, the membrane. The proteins in these vesi-  segments of the plasmalemma into the cytoplasm where
                   cles are destined for various locations including the apical  they are utilised in forming membranes of new transport
                   cytoplasm (secretory proteins within secretory vesicles)  vesicles.
                   and lysosomes (membrane proteins and enzymes). This
                   side of the Golgi apparatus is thus responsible for sorting  Organelles of cellular respiration and energy
                   and vesicle distribution.                      production
                      Function: The primary function of the Golgi appa-  The viability of a cell is sustained by metabolically active
                   ratus is  terminal processing of macromolecules and  cellular organelles and by intracellular transport of solid
                   targeted dispersal of the resulting end products to their  and dissolved substances. To support these processes, the
                   final destination. Proteins synthesised in the ER are glyco-  cell requires endogenous sources of energy. This is the role
                   sylated (with complex oligosaccharides and mannose-rich  of the mitochondria.
                   oligosaccharides) to form glycoproteins, proteoglycans
                   and lysosomal proteins. Modification of lipoproteins also   MITOCHONDRIA
                   occurs in the Golgi apparatus.                 Mitochondria supply energy to the cell through two main
                      In actively secreting cells, the Golgi apparatus serves to  mechanisms:
                   create a stockpile of cellular secretions. The concentra-
                   tion of secretory product allows for rapid release from the   ·  energy release through cellular respiration (oxida-
                   cell in response to increased demand. The Golgi apparatus   tive phosphorylation) and
                   therefore assumes cell-specific roles in storage, transport   ·  synthesis of specialised metabolic enzymes.
                   and release of secretions.
                      Secretory vesicles leave the trans side of the Golgi  In a multi-stage process, culminating in oxidative phos-
                   apparatus and travel, generally via a system of micro-  phorylation, mitochondria break down sugars and fatty
                   tubules or microfilaments, to the cell surface. There,  acids to form CO  and H O. This process is accompanied
                                                                                2     2
                   the outer membrane of the transport vesicle fuses with  by the liberation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a

                   the plasmalemma and its contents are transferred into the  molecule containing stored energy. Mitochondria also par-
                   extracellular environment (exocytosis). Secretion may be  ticipate in other processes associated with metabolism e.g.
                   regulated by neurotransmitters (e.g. acetylcholine) or by  components of lipogenesis, the urea cycle and gluconeo-
                   hormones (e.g. cholecystokinin in the pancreas).  genesis. Structurally, mitochondria are differentiated into
                      Other vesicles are delivered to the apical and basolateral  a number of compartments (see below).
                   regions of the cell, for incorporation into the plasma mem-  Structure:  Mitochondria  are generally  elongated,
                   brane, and to endosomes and lysosomes.         sometimes elliptical to spheroid organelles (Figures 1.6,

                   1.19  Mitochondrion (schematic).

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