Page 37 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 37

The cell (cellula)  19

                                                                 plets (9×3 pattern) (Figure 1.27). Each triplet contains a                                               complete, cylindrical microtubule (A-subfibre) fused with
                                                                 two incomplete hemi-cylindrical microtubules (B- and
                                                                 C-subfibre). The nine triplets are connected by protein
                                                                 bridges, giving rise to the cylindrical form of the centri-
                                                                 ole. These cross-linkages confer a high degree of stability.
                                                                    Centrioles usually occur in perpendicularly oriented
                                                                 pairs (Figure 1.6). Located in the vicinity of the nucleus
                                                                 and closely associated with the Golgi apparatus, they form
                                                                 part of the MTOC. Prior to mitotic cell division, these
                                                                 organelles undergo duplication. In this process, nine sin-
                                                                 gle microtubules are formed initially; these subsequently
                                                                 expand into triplets.
                                                                    The known functions of centrioles include organisation
                                                                 of intracellular microtubules. This is particularly impor-
                                                                 tant in coordinating the formation of the mitotic spindle
                                                                 during cell division. Microtubules do not arise directly from
                                                                 the wall of the centriole. Instead, they extend from the
                  1.27  Fine structure of a centriole (x34,000).  so-called pericentriolar material surrounding the central
                                                                 portion of the centrioles. The location of the centriole in
                                                                 the cytocentre directs the polarity of the cell. Duplication
                  Centriole (centriolum)                         of centrioles is one of the pathways for the formation of
                  The functions of the centriole include:        basal bodies, from which cilia and flagella develop (Figures
                                                                 1.28 and 1.29).
                   ·  formation of basal bodies from which cilia develop
                      and                                        Microtubule-organising centre (MTOC)
                   ·  formation of the mitotic spindle.          The microtubule-organising centre (cytocentre, cen-
                                                                 trosome) incorporates both the centrioles and the
                  Centrioles, along with the nearby Golgi apparatus, are  pericentriolar material. Most microtubules are associated
                  present in almost all cells (Figures 1.6 and 1.27). They are  with the MTOC. The MTOC controls the number, polar-
                  cylindrical in shape (length 0.3 μm, diameter 0.1 μm).  ity, direction and organisation of microtubules formed
                  The cylinder wall is composed of nine microtubule tri-  during cell division. If centrioles are absent, the MTOC

                  1.28  Apical surface of an epithelial cell with longitu-  1.29  Cilia in cross-section (x20,000).
                  dinally sectioned cilia (x8000).

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