Page 348 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 348

330  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   15.10  Epidermis and stratum papillare of the skin (horse). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x32).

                      The plasticity and deformability of the skin is attribut-  Hypodermis (subcutis)
                   able largely to the abundance of elastic fibres that enable  The hypodermis is composed of loose, irregularly
                   the collagen lamellae to resume their original arrangement  arranged connective tissue. It forms a mobile connection
                   after stretching. The reticular layer is relatively poorly vas-  between the skin and the fascia or muscles (Figure 15.11).
                   cularised. It is populated primarily by small arteries and  Distinguishing features include:
                   veins passing to and from more superficial layers.
                      The dermis exhibits considerable regional and species-  ·  a network of blood vessels,
                   related variation in thickness. Additional factors affecting   ·  variable quantities of adipose tissue and
                   the development of the dermis include functional load,   ·  embedded striated muscle tissue.
                   climate and breed. Among domestic mammals, the dermis
                   is thickest in cattle. In leather production (tanning), the  The subcutis is vascular and rich in adipose tissue. The
                   elastic skin of young animals is more suitable than that of  degree of fat accumulation in this layer varies with species,
                   older animals.                                 gender and body region. Fat deposits act as energy reserves
                                                                  and provide thermal insulation. In parts of the body

                   15.11  Deep layers of the skin (horse). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x16).

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