Page 367 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Receptors and sense organs (organa sensuum)   349

                  that terminate in small bulbs. Ruffini corpuscles are mech-  myelinated nerve endings. Muscle contraction increases the  anoreceptors and are located in the joint capsules, in the  pressure on the receptor, generating an action potential.
                  hypodermis, along vessels, in the digital pads and in the
                  corium of the hoof. They may also function as cold and  Muscle spindle
                  pain receptors.                                Muscle spindles are large (2–10 × 0.2 mm) proprioceptors
                                                                 located in striated muscle. Their outer connective tissue
                  Lamellar receptors                             capsule is continuous with the perimysium. A second,
                  Lamellar receptors (Vater’s corpuscles, Pacinian corpus-  internal capsule surrounds a fluid-filled cavity contain-
                  cles) consist of an axon surrounded by 10–60 concentric  ing two types of modified muscle fibres: nuclear bag and
                  lamellae that resemble the layers of an onion (Figure 16.4).  nuclear chain fibres. These fibres are supplied by motor
                  The inner lamellae are composed of flattened Schwann  and sensory neurons. The sensory nerve endings serve as
                  cells; the outer layers are formed by fibrocytes. Spaces  stretch receptors. The impulses they generate are trans-
                  between the lamellae contain interstitial fluid. Capillaries  mitted to the central nervous system, which regulates the
                  and collagen fibre bundles may penetrate the interlamel-  activity of the motor neurons supplying the muscle.
                  lar gaps.
                     These types of receptors are visible macroscopically,  Enteroreceptors
                  reaching up to 4 mm in diameter. They occur in the deeper  Free sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve endings
                  layers of the hypodermis, the corium of the hoof and  ramify within various layers of the viscera to provide
                  claw, the metacarpal pads of carnivores, the mesenteries,  autonomic regulation of organ function. Within the
                  the nasolabial plate of the ox and the pancreas of the cat.  walls of arteries near the heart (carotid body, aortic arch),
                  Lamellar receptors detect stimuli associated with pressure  these receptors modulate blood pressure. Enteroreceptors
                  and vibration.                                 in the walls of the atria monitor and control filling of the
                                                                 heart; others detect stretching within the lungs. In the
                  Proprioceptors                                 gastrointestinal tract, free nerve endings convey impulses
                  Proprioceptors contribute to fine tuning of movement  generated by stretching of smooth muscle and organ
                  involving joints, tendons and muscles by conveying infor-  capsules. These signals are interpreted as pain.
                  mation about position and movement.
                     In joints, proprioceptive stimuli are detected primar-  Gustatory organs (organa gustus)
                  ily by free nerve endings, Ruffini corpuscles and modified  Gustation is mediated by chemoreceptors located within
                  lamellar corpuscles within the joint capsule.  taste buds (gemmae gustatoriae). Taste buds are found
                                                                 primarily on the surface of the tongue and in the pharynx.
                  Golgi tendon organ                             They are abundant on the side walls of vallate, foliate and,
                  Golgi tendon organs are found in tendons, towards the  in young animals, fungiform papillae. Taste buds contain
                  muscle belly. They are stretch receptors that monitor ten-  secondary sensory cells that develop by modification of
                  sion within the musculotendinous apparatus. Golgi tendon  epithelial cells.
                  organs (1.0 × 0.1 mm) are enclosed in a connective tissue
                  capsule that merges with the perineurium of the associ-  Taste buds
                  ated neuron. At their centre, bundles of collagen fibres  Taste buds (50–70 μm) consist of intra-epithelial clusters
                  are closely associated with a branching network of non-  of 20–30 individual cells (Figures 16.5 and 16.6). They

                                                                 16.4  Multilaminar Pacinian corpuscle (pancreas, cat).
                                                                 Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x100).

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