Page 371 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Receptors and sense organs (organa sensuum)   353

                  epithelium, supporting cells perform a role equivalent to  within the eye and the associated neural tracts are formed  that of glial cells. In addition, these organelle-rich cells   from the diencephalon during embryonic development.
                  exocytose mucoid substances. Intracellular pigments give
                  the mucus its characteristic colour.
                     Basal cells are small cells lying adjacent to the basal  The wall of the bulb consists of three layers:
                  lamina. These undergo mitotic division and differentiate
                  into supporting cells.                           ·  fibrous  (outer) tunic  (tunica fibrosa or externa
                     The olfactory epithelium rests on loose connective   bulbi):
                  tissue containing myelinated nerve fibres, vessels and tub-    − sclera,
                  ulo-acinar olfactory glands (glandulae olfactoriae). The     − cornea,
                  extremely watery protein- and enzyme-rich product of   ·  vascular (middle) tunic (uvea, tunica vasculosa or
                  these serous glands passes through long excretory ducts   media bulbi):
                  to reach the epithelial surface. The secretion binds odorant     − choroid,
                  chemicals to facilitate detection of olfactory stimuli, and     − ciliary body (corpus ciliare),
                  also contributes to the breakdown of these molecules to     − iris,
                  prevent their accumulation.                      ·  nervous (inner) tunic (neuro-epithelial tunic, ret-
                                                                     ina, tunica interna bulbi):
                  Eye (organum visus)                                   − pars optica retinae and
                  The eye consists of a receptor organ, the eyeball or bulb     − pars caeca retinae.
                  (bulbus oculi) and associated supportive and protective
                  structures (vessels, nerves, fat, ocular muscles, eyelids and
                  lacrimal apparatus). Neural impulses generated in the bulb  Fibrous tunic (tunica fibrosa or externa bulbi)
                  are conveyed by the optic nerves (nn. optici) and the cen-  The outer tunic of the eye is a tough fibro-elastic layer
                  tral visual pathways to the visual cortex of the brain,  composed of an opaque posterior component, the sclera,
                  where interpretation of visual stimuli takes place.  and a transparent anterior portion, the cornea  (Figure
                                                                 16.11). At the corneoscleral junction, a shallow groove
                  Bulb (bulbus oculi)                            (sulcus sclerae) is present on the external surface of the
                  The bulb is a spheroid structure that receives light stimuli.  eye.
                  The resulting nerve impulses are transmitted by neural
                  pathways to the grey matter of the brain. The receptors

                            Neural tunic
                                                                                         Ora serrata
                            Vascular tunic
                                                                                         Ciliary body
                            Fibrous tunic
                                                                                         Zonular fibres
                                                                                         Posterior chamber
                           Vitreous body
                                                                                         Anterior chamber
                            Optic nerve                                                  m. sphincter pupillae
                                                                                         m. dilatator pupillae
                        Pars optica retinae
                                                                                         Iridocorneal angle with
                              Choroid                                                    plexus venosus sclerae
                                Sclera                                                   Pars caeca retinae

                  16.11  Bulb (schematic).

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