Page 63 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 63

Epithelial tissue (textus epithelialis)   45

                  STRATIFIED CUBOIDAL OR COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM     between the formation of a new cell in the stratum basale  COLUMNARE)                                   through mitosis to its desquamation at the surface of the
                                                                 epithelium is generally 30 days.
                  Stratified cuboidal or columnar epithelium is found in rela-
                                                                    In some regions, the protective function of stratified
                  tively few locations in the body. These include the lining of  squamous epithelium is reinforced by the presence of basal
                  the larger excretory ducts of glands (e.g. parotid salivary  epithelial pegs that interdigitate with papillae projecting
                  gland) (Figures 2.11 and 2.12).                from the underlying connective tissue of the dermis to
                                                                 form a particularly strong connection between these two
                  STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM (EPITHELIUM     tissue layers (Figures 2.14 and 2.15). As well as mechani-
                  STRATIFICATUM SQUAMOSUM)                       cal strength, this arrangement facilitates nourishment of
                  In stratified squamous epithelium, the cells of the basal  the epidermis by increasing the surface area across which
                  layer (stratum basale) are primarily cuboidal to columnar.  diffusion can take place.
                  They undergo constant mitosis, forming new polygonal
                  cells. As they mature, these cells are pushed towards the  non-keRatinised stRatified squamous ePithelium
                  surface into the stratum spinosum.             (ePithelium stRatificatum squamosum
                     Near the surface, the cells become flattened and the   noncoRnificatum)
                  nucleus increases in density (pyknosis). These cells are con-  Non-keratinised stratified epithelium consists of a single-
                  stantly replaced by cells rising from the basal layer. The  layered stratum basale overlaid by multiple cell layers in
                  superficial cells may undergo partial or complete kerati-  the stratum spinosum. The surface of the epithelium is
                  nisation before desquamating. The period that elapses  lined by a flat layer, the stratum superficiale. Despite the

                  2.14  Stratified squamous epithelium with prominent connective tissue papillae, ruminal papilla (ox).
                  Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x100).

                  2.15  Stratified squamous epithelium, oesophagus (sheep). Connective tissue papillae protrude into epithelium
                  from the lamina propria. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x480).

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