Page 96 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 96

78  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  cells may be present within the same lacuna (isogenous                                                cell group). Mitosis is an indicator of interstitial cartilage
                                                                  growth. Mature cartilage is capable of only limited regen-
                                                                  eration, with fibrous scar tissue occurring in its place.
                                                                     The collagen fibres in hyaline cartilage are arranged
                                                                  along lines of mechanical pressure and tension. At the sur-
                                                                  face, the fibres are curved to form arcades, from which they
                                                                  transition into a more oblique orientation (Figure 3.24).
                                                                  The fibres within the cartilage are in contact with fibre
                                                                  bundles in the perichondrium. This arrangement results
                                                                  in even distribution of mechanical stresses across multiple
                                                                  chondrons. The type II collagen fibres cannot be identi-
                                                                  fied under standard light microscopy, as these are masked
                                                                  by the homogeneous glassy (hyaline) matrix in which they
                                                                  are embedded. They can be identified using biochemical and
                   3.25  Elastic cartilage (schematic). The network of elas-  immunocytochemical techniques, and with electron micros-
                   tic fibres exhibits extensive branching.       copy. Under polarised light they are uniaxially birefringent.

                                                                         Interterritorial matrix

                                                                         Chondrocyte with capsule

                                                                         Isogenous cell group within a common lacuna

                   3.26  Features of hyaline cartilage include isogenous cell groups (formed primarily by superficial chondrocytes)
                   and pale-staining, homogeneous interterritorial matrix. Collagen fibres are not discernible. The chondrocytes
                   lie in lacunae. As a result of tissue preparation, the cells exhibit a varying degree of shrinkage. Hyaline cartilage
                   of the third eyelid, horse. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x480).


                                                                         Elastic fibre network

                                                                         Interterritorial matrix
                                                                           3.27  Epiglottis (dog). Elastic cartilage fea-
                                                                           tures a dense network of dark red-staining
                                                                           elastic fibres and paler ground substance.
                                                                           Chondrocytes are located between the
                                                                           branching fibres. Orcein-haemalaun stain

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