Page 99 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Connective and supportive tissues (textus connectivus)  81

                  by vitamin D  (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol), and inhibi-  OSTEOPROGENITOR CELLS
                             3  tion of calcium excretion by the kidney.
                                                                 Osteoprogenitor cells develop from mesenchymal stem
                     The hormone calcitonin, secreted by the C-cells of the  cells. Typically, these are flattened cells with pale cytoplasm
                  thyroid gland, stimulates bone production by osteoblasts,  and an ovoid to oblong nucleus. Osteoprogenitor cells are
                  reduces the activity of osteoclasts and promotes the incor-  present in the endosteum and periosteum. These mitoti-
                  poration of calcium into the bone matrix.      cally active cells eventually differentiate into osteoblasts.
                     Somatotropin  (growth hormone),  adrenocortico-  As precursors of osteoblasts, osteoprogenitor cells are
                  tropic hormone (ACTH), thyroid-stimulating hormone  found predominantly in the osteogenic layer of the perios-
                  (TSH) and male and female reproductive hormones also  teum and along vessels of the bone marrow.
                  have a stimulatory effect on bone growth. In addition,
                  vitamin C promotes the synthesis of collagen fibres by   OSTEOBLAST (OSTEOBLASTUS)
                  osteoblasts. Vitamin A acts as a regulator in maintaining  Unlike their predecessor,  osteoblasts  do not undergo
                  an equilibrium between bone production and resorption  mitosis. These cells participate in bone formation in the
                  (Figure 3.30).                                 following ways:
                     Bone is derived from mesenchymal connective tissue. It
                  consists of bone cells and bone matrix.          ·  synthesis of type I collagen fibres and non-collage-
                                                                     nous proteins,
                  Bone cells                                       ·  production of glycosaminoglycans/proteoglycans,
                  Bone cells are comprised of:                     ·  participation in mineralisation of bone matrix and
                                                                   ·  modulation of osteoclast function.
                   ·  osteoprogenitor cells,
                   ·  osteoblasts,                               Analogous to the mechanism of collagen fibril synthesis by
                   ·  bone-lining cells,                         fibroblasts, production of type I collagen fibres by osteo-
                   ·  osteocytes and                             blasts commences within the cell (rER, Golgi apparatus)
                   ·  osteoclasts.                               and is completed in the extracellular space. Osteoblasts
                                                                 also synthesise ground substance (glycosaminoglycans/
                  Except for osteoclasts, cells found in bone represent different  proteoglycans, other non-collagenous proteins). Together,
                  functional phases of the same cell type. Osteoprogenitor  the irregularly arranged collagen fibres and ground sub-
                  cells differentiate into osteoblasts (bone-forming cells).  stance form the organic, unmineralised bone matrix
                  Osteoblasts synthesise the organic components of the  (osteoid). The fibres are masked by the ground substance.
                  bone matrix. After mineralisation of the matrix (in which   Non-collagenous proteins such as osteocalcin, oste-
                  osteoblasts also participate), osteoblasts transform into  onectin and osteopontin (bone sialoprotein I, BSP-1)
                  osteocytes. Osteoclasts are responsible for bone resorp-  regulate the process of mineralisation. These molecules
                  tion (Figures 3.31 to 3.33).                   have a high affinity for calcium ions and hydroxyapatite.

                                    Undifferentiated mesenchymal cell                      Bone marrow

                                                                                           Adipose tissue

                                           Progenitor cell

                         Macrophage (monocyte)              Osteoblast        Mineral salt

                                       Proteolytic enzymes
                         Osteoclast                                             Bone matrix
                                        Bone resorption

                  3.31  Cellular pathways in bone production and resorption (schematic).

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