Page 134 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 134

118    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

            If it is your job to feed the hospitalized or boarding   A third attempt is force feeding. This sounds like you
          pets, check the record and the cage card for any specific   jam a bunch of food down the throat, but it really needs
          directions  on feeding  the pet  while in the  hospital.  If   to be extremely gentle and slow. Place the food at eye
          there isn’t anything marked for food selection it is impor-  level with the pet. Some patients will begin to eat on
          tant to ask the veterinarian in case a prescription diet was   their own after the first few mouthfuls of being fed. Dip
          intended or that food was to be withheld for a diagnostic   your finger into the food and gently open the patient’s
          test or surgery. Remember when figuring out how much   mouth and rub the food against the roof the mouth.
          to feed an ill or injured patient you need to find the   Allow the patient time to process what just happened
          basic BER and then add in the extra calories depending   and the food itself, if it decides to swallow, offer the dish,
          upon their illness or injury. For boarding pets, a quick   if it doesn’t try to eat try another dab on the hard pallet.
          check of the record will tell you its age and you can go   If using food from the refrigerator warming it slightly
          from there for food selection. Sometimes owners will   before offering it or force feeding it will help the pro-
          bring their own food in for a boarding pet, especially if   cess. Warm food is digested easier as well.
          they are on a particular diet.                       Another technique is to use a food that is designed to
            Anorexic patients are the most challenging because   be given by syringe or to liquify the diet in a blender.
          not eating isn’t an option! It slows down healing and it is   Steps to syringe or force feeding a patient are:
          especially detrimental if cats don’t eat. Cats cannot go   •  Fill a syringe with the food
          without  eating for  more than  a few days.  When they   •  Place the tip in the corner of the mouth adjacent to
          refuse to eat or cannot eat, they may develop a poten-  the back teeth
          tially fatal condition known as hepatic lipidosis. Alert the   •  Push the corner of the mouth forward to make a
          veterinarian about a cat that refuses to eat at the first   pouch
          refused meal, then keep a careful eye on the patient. You   •  Tip the nose up slightly and squirt the food slowly
          may apply the following techniques to both dogs and   into the pouch
          cats if they are not eating well or not eating at all.  •  Allow the patient to swallow before continuing with
            First look at the circumstances the pet is in. Is it
          feeling threatened by others? Try hanging a towel over   more food
          the  cage  door  when  feeding.  Try  using  pheromone   This can be extremely taxing to the patient, so it is a
          sprays that induce calm, or try setting it next to a good   good idea to break the feedings into smaller amounts
          eater which may stimulate the reluctant pet to eat for   and feed throughout the day. Stressing the patient out
          fear of losing its portion. Check for other environ-  can cause them to continue to refuse food. Be patient;
          mental issues. Some cats will not eat next to a litter   always feed slowly to prevent  aspiration of the food.
          box, especially one that has been used. Clean the box   Make careful notations in the patient’s records on
          and  try  again  or  let  the  cat  eat  in  an  empty  kennel,   amounts and times of feeding. Never fight with an animal
          then return it to its assigned cage and clean the dining   over food, it wears them out and they may develop a
          kennel. Sometimes the pet just simply misses home.   learned aversion to food. Alert the veterinarian if the
          Having an article of clothing worn by their owner or   animal puts up a fight as there are other alternatives to
          their favorite blanket in the kennel will make them feel   force feeding with a syringe.
          less anxious.                                        If all feeding efforts fail the veterinarian may decide
            A second thing to try is to increase the palatability of   to insert a nasogastric or pharyngostomy tube. This is a
          the food. Heating food slightly increases its aroma and   tube that is inserted into the nares or through a small
          flavor. Be mindful of using the microwave as too hot   incision in the neck, and down the esophagus until the
          will turn them away and may cause a painful burn.   tip enters the stomach. The tube is secured over the top
          Mixing a small amount of water and heating a patient’s   of the patient’s head or neck with sutures and a bandage.
          food sometimes increases acceptance. Blending it in a   Liquefied food is injected through the tube as needed
          food processor or blender until smoothie consistency   allowing for easier feeding. The nasogastric tube is used
          may also tempt some to eat. Cats smell their food more   for short periods of time and the pharyngostomy tube is
          than taste it so offering some “stinky fish food” may do   for long‐term feeding.
          the trick. Placing a small dab of food on their paws or   Both tube placements require maintenance so they
          tip of the nose may get them to taste the food and stim-  do not plug up from the diet being injected. Before and
          ulate them to eat. Be aware that if there is nasal conges-  after feeding they should be flushed with a small amount
          tion, they may not be able to smell the food. Clean the   of water. You can discuss how much per flush with the
          nares with a warm wash cloth, and maybe a few drops of   veterinarian because a cat will not need as much as a
          saline into the nostrils will help clear the mucus. If   Great Dane! Clean the tip off with warm water and a
          thick, a nasal bulb syringe can be used to aspirate the   paper towel. Make sure the cap on the end of tube is on
          discharge. Always check with the veterinarian before   securely. Clean any drips from the bandage material to
          doing this.                                        keep it from becoming foul smelling.
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