Page 136 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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120    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          in pastures where it grazes on its own. Grains, including   quantities of proteins and fats. Feeding a quality cat food
          oats, wheat, and corn are also used to supplement live-  to these animals is acceptable.
          stock rations and provide a boost in protein, especially
          poultry. Silage is another form of food fed to livestock
          and consists of the entire corn plant ground up and   Chapter Reflection
          stored in a pit. Supplements are often fed in the form
          of blocks that are set out with access ad lib or they are   Process the information from this chapter and
          mixed into the grain ration. The blocks can be pure salt   describe what you learned, what surprised you, or
          or a mixture of minerals. This book cannot cover even   what made you think.
          the basics in balancing a ration for livestock. If inter-
          ested check to see if any local colleges have a livestock
          feeding  course  or  see  if  there  is  one  available  online.
          Many county extension agencies have information for   References
          balancing rations as well.
            Your job as a veterinary assistant may include feeding   Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). 2012a. How
          the livestock. Checking the quality of the feed before   to understand a dog or cat food label. 2012a. https://talkspetfood.
          feeding is important. Forage in the form of hay should (accessed June 29, 2019).
          smell of green meadows freshly mowed. It should appear   Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). 2012b.
          dry and leafy without excess thistles, other weeds, or   What are byproducts?
          woody stems. Moldy feed, excessive weeds, and dust can   (accessed June 29, 2019).
          be detrimental to the animal’s health. Mold appears as a   Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). 2012c.
          dark, powdery substance or as white, wet slime on the   What’s  in the  ingredients  list?
          forage and will have a “moldy” smell. Moldy food and   whatisinpetfood (accessed June 29, 2019).
          excessively weedy forage will often be rejected, thus   Food and Drug Administration. 2019. Animal health literacy, pet food
                                                               labels  –  general.‐veterinary/animal‐
          putting the animal at risk for not getting enough nutri-  health‐literacy/pet‐food‐labels‐general#Claims (accessed July 12,
          tion. If it is eaten it can cause digestive issues. Dust can   2019).
          be inhaled and cause wheezing and coughing. Alert the
          inventory manager of the issues so that clean food can be
          ordered.                                           Suggested Reading
            Visiting a livestock food store is an educational expe-
          rience. Reading labels to determine contents of the feed,   Anon. Choosing the right food for your senior dog.  MedicAnimal.
          looking at baled products for content and smell are both‐the‐right‐food‐for‐your‐
          ways to learn about feeding livestock and poultry.   senior‐dog/a/ART111515 (accessed June 29, 2019).
                                                             Anon. Dry matter basis calculator for pet food. Paw Diet 2018. https://
          Feeding Other Species                              Anon. How to reading a pet food label. Hill.’s Pet 2019. https://www.
                                                               food/ (accessed June 29, 2019).
          Pocket pets are usually easy to care for by simply feeding   labels (accessed June 29, 2019).
          them the foods developed specifically for their species.   Anon. Unwholesome ingredients in your dog’s food?  Tufts Your Dog
          These can be purchased from any wholesale distributor,   2017.‐ingredients‐
          so your inventory manager will have a good source to go   in‐your‐dogs‐food/ (accessed June 29, 2019).
          to for ordering food. A word about guinea pigs, they are   Danks L. The role of calcium and phosphorus. Veterinary Practice 2014.
          unable to synthesize vitamin C and so must get it as a sup-  https://veterinary‐‐roles‐of‐calcium‐and‐
          plement either in vitamin C drops or in their food. If   phosphorus (accessed June 29, 2019).
          purchasing food with vitamin C added, make sure it is   Mandal A. What is metabolism? News Medical Life Sciences 2019. https://
          fresh as the vitamin C does have a short expiration date.   (accessed June 29, 2019).
          It is often better to purchase vitamin C treats or feed   Martin LJ.  Dietary fats explained.  Medline Plus 2018.  https://
          foods high in vitamin C if a guinea pig is hospitalized.  (accessed
          Ferrets are full on carnivores and like cats require high   June 29, 2019).
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