Page 257 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 12  Laboratory Skills  241

               Lay out all necropsy equipment. This includes:   burial, cremation with return of the ashes to the owner,
                                                                and group versus individual burial are entered onto the
              1.  Requisition slip                              tag. The body is placed in the freezer designated for
              2.  Ziploc bag                                    storage of cadavers pending pick up by the pet ceme-
              3.  Formalin‐filled vials for tissues             tery, animal control authorities, or the owner as is within
              4.  Transport media for cultures                  legal constraints of the county. A log may be kept adja-
              5.  Bunsen burner and match                       cent  to the freezer for  entry of  each cadaver  as it  is
              6.  Flat spatula for searing tissue surfaces      placed into the freezer. Record date, patient and owner
              7.  Two flat containers for the tissues           names, and any special instructions for disposition of
              8.  Slides                                        the body. Contact lab for pick‐up of specimens or pre-
              9.  Suture material – 1 or 1‐0 non‐absorbable
             10.  Needle holder and cutting edge needle         pare them for shipment.
                                                                   After the necropsy put on PPE, exam gloves, water-
             11.  Large, sharp knife                            proof apron, and boots to clean and disinfect the area.
             12.  Cleaver                                       Clean instruments using the practice’s protocol. Spray
             13.  Rongeurs for cutting bones                    disinfectant and allow it to air dry.
             14.  Forceps
             15.  Scissors, operating sharp/blunt
             16.  Cadaver bag and identification tag.
               PPE includes:                                       Reflection
             1.  Heavy rubber gloves and a pair of exam gloves     A necropsy can be a traumatic event, so think
             2.  Goggles and mask, or face shield                  about how to prepare yourself for a necropsy
             3.  Lab coat and waterproof apron                     mentally. What self‐talk can you use to help you
             4.  Rubber boots or booties                           through the necropsy?
             5.  Tape recorder with foot pedal (optional)
             6.  Patient record and pen.
               Completion of the requisition slip must provide a his-
             tory of the patient and gross description of the tissues.   Preparing Samples for Shipment
             The necropsy is performed in an area away from general
             clinic activities. It is best conducted on a rack over a sink  to Reference Laboratory
             with access to running water. If that isn’t available, layers
             of newsprint or chucks under the body are alternatives.   Reference laboratories are often utilized by veterinary
             The canine and feline cadavers are placed in left lateral   practices. Samples are sent to reference laboratories for
             recumbency with the ventral surface facing the     tests that are rarely done in the practice or because it is
             veterinarian.                                      too expensive to maintain the equipment and reagents.
               A thorough necropsy is lengthy and detailed. The vet-  Necropsy samples are sent to veterinary pathologists that
             erinarian may wish to have a tape recorder to dictate   are specifically trained to diagnose diseases and condi-
             findings as the necropsy progresses. Ideally, the tape   tions from the samples.
             recorder is equipped with a foot pedal. Notes are then   It will be the assistant’s job to package the samples
             transcribed from the tape after the procedure and   properly  so  that  they  arrive  in  good  shape.  This  will
             entered  into  the  patient’s  record.  This  reduces  the   increase the success of a diagnosis. Fresh tissue sam-
             chance for omission of key observations.           ples and body fluids must to be kept cool and packaged
               In the case of rabies suspects, the whole head is sent to   in leak‐proof containers. Fixed tissue samples are
             the public health service for evaluation immediately   placed in diluted formaldehyde. The reference labora-
             upon the patient’s death. While this may seem grotesque,   tory will provide leak‐proof containers. In addition to
             it is necessary for the well‐being of all people and ani-  the samples, the submission form needs to be com-
             mals exposed to the suspect because rabies is a fatal zoo-  pleted thoroughly. Regardless of the type of tissue, it
             notic disease. The public health service is notified that   all must arrive at the laboratory in the same shape that
             such a specimen is arriving. Confirm whether the whole   it was collected.
             head or just the brain is to be sent. Confirm details for   The shipping container is usually a Styrofoam con-
             labeling, packaging, and shipment.                 tainer  with  its  own  lid,  inside  a  cardboard  box.  Most
               After necropsy, all remaining tissues and organs are   clinics will save shipping boxes, bubble wrap, or shipping
             placed within the body cavities. The body cavities are   peanuts and ice packs that companies use to ship supplies
             sutured closed. The cadaver is placed in a cadaver bag,   to the clinic. These are great to use inside the Styrofoam
             sealed tightly, and tagged with the patient’s and owner’s   container to keep fresh tissue samples and body fluids
             names and the date of death. Special instructions for   cool and to pad them from rough handling. Newspaper
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