Page 258 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 258

242    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          or paper towels are often layered on the bottom to soak   Vaginal Cytology Collection
          up any spillage.
            To pack the container, secure the completed requi-
          sition form in its own Ziploc bag and seal. Line the   Dog breeders often like to know where in the reproduc-
                                                             tive cycle a bitch may be at a certain time. This entails the
          bottom of the Styrofoam container with several layers   veterinarian or technician swabbing the inner vault of
          of newspaper. Place an ice pack on the bottom of the   the vagina. Equipment required for this procedure is
          box if sending fresh tissues or body fluids. Check to   vaginal speculum (Figure  12.23), microscope slides,
          makes sure the samples’ container lids are on tight and   cotton‐tipped applicator stick, and lubricant. PPE is
          are labeled properly with the patient’s identification,   gloves. The restraint is standing with an arm around the
          the practice name, and date of sampling. Roll bubble   animal’s neck and the other holding the tail out of the
          wrap or newspaper around each sample container.    way or supporting the abdomen to keep the dog from
          Place padded samples into the box next to the ice   sitting down. The slides are stained using the Dip Quick
          pack.                                              set of stains used for blood smears.
            Add packing peanuts or crumpled newspaper to
          keep the samples from bouncing around in the box. If
          it is warm outside add a second ice pack on top of the
          contents. Place the lid onto the Styrofoam box and
          put the submission form on top of the lid, then tape
          the cardboard box shut. Add shipping label on top
          and  place  it  in  the  clinic’s  pick‐up  location  for  the
          shipping company, take it to the shipping office, or if
          there is a pick‐up service call them to schedule a
            Mark the patient’s file and the laboratory log that the
          samples were sent to the reference laboratory with the
          date, what tissues/fluids were sent, what method of ship-
          ment was used, the tracking number if available, and
          your initials.

                                                             FIGURE 12.23  Vaginal speculum.

                                                               Chapter Reflection
                                                               Laboratory work is challenging and very important
            Explain why it is so important to take care of sam-  for determining a disease. How will you maintain
            ples and pack them correctly for shipment to a     the high standards of practice required to turn out
            reference laboratory?                              quality results for the veterinarian?
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