Page 274 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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258    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          FIGURE 14.12  Instrument cleanser and ultrasonic cleaner.

          Instrument Packs                                   Step 3 Make sure all the instruments are unlatched.
                                                               Assemble the instruments as shown in Figure 14.14c,
          Instrument packs are those that contain the hemostats,   with the sterilization strip positioned as shown. Place
          needle holders, and other instruments used during a   the assembled instruments in the center of the wrap.
          surgical  procedure. Every clinic will have their own   Step 4 Place the counted gauze sponges on top of the assem-
          “recipe” for how many of each is placed in the pack. The   bled instruments (Figure  14.15a). It is important to
          following list  is just  an example  of what should  be   count the sponges so that none are left inside the patient
          included, which you will have to adjust as per the wishes   when they are counted at the end of surgery. Gauze
          of the veterinarian (Figure 14.13):                  sponges come in a sleeve and if you look closely you will
                                                               see that every tenth one is hanging out a bit from the
            A.  2–3 Rochester–Carmalt forceps                  stack (Figure 14.16). So you could conceivably just take
            B.  2 Crile or Kelly forceps                       the gauze in groups of 10. However, you should always
            C.  4 Halstad Mosquito forceps                     count because the sleeve could have been dropped or
            D.  #3 Scalpel handle                              some taken out for use elsewhere! This would mess up
            E.  Groove director                                your count and potentially cause the patient to be
            F.  Snook hook                                     reopened to look for the missing gauze sponges.
            G.  Dressing thumb forceps                       Step 5 First fold – starting with the closest point of the top
            H. Adson or Adson‐Brown or rat‐tooth thumb         wrap take it over the instruments then fold it back as
               forceps                                         shown in Figure 14.15b. The first folded edge must be
            I.  Metzenbaum or Mayo scissors                    even with the instruments and the point ends up
            J.  Operating scissors                             pointing toward the outside edge or toward you again.
            K.  Mayo Hegar or Olsen Hegar needle holder      Step 6 Second fold – fold the wrap point on the left so the
            L.  4 Backhaus towel clamps.
                                                               fold is even with the instruments gathered beneath
                                                               and point the point toward the outside edge as shown
            The following are  the instructions  for packing an
          instrument pack (Figures  14.14, 14.15, 14.16, 14.17,   in Figure 14.15c.
          and 14.18):                                        Step 7 Third fold – same as step 6 only with the right‐
                                                               hand point – not shown.
          Step 1 Gather supplies – all of the instruments required   Step 8 The fourth corner is brought over the width of the
            for the pack, two cloth wraps, gauze sponges, steriliza-  package  toward you  and  the  folding  point  is  deter-
            tion indicator, and autoclave tape (Figure 14.14a).  mined. This would be the edge of the gathered instru-
          Step 2 Layout wraps – position the wraps, one on top of   ments in the wrap (Figure 14.17a). Grasp the wrap at
            the other as shown in Figure 14.14b, with the corners   this point and Figure 14.17b shows how the top of the
            pointing at you.                                   wrap is folded with the point folded under.
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