Page 276 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 276

260    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

               TABLE 14.1
                                                               A. Kelly forceps   Both are used to clamp larger
                                                                                  tissues for blood control or
                                                                                  tissues for removal. The Kelly
                                                               B. Rochester Carmalt   has horizontal serrations on half
                                                               forceps            the jaw and the Rochester has a
                                                                                  combination of vertical on half
                                                                                  the jaw and vertical/horizontal
                                                                                  serrations at the tips

                                                               A. Olsen Hegar     Both are used to grasp and
                                                               needle holder scissor   manipulate the suture needle
                                                               combination        while suturing. The Olsen Hegar
                                                                                  has a scissor built into the jaws
                                                               B. Mayo Hegar needle

                                                               A. Metzenbaum scissors  These are used to cut tissue and
                                                                                  nothing else! They are extremely
                                                                                  sharp, and the blunt ends are
                                                               B. Mayo scissors   used for “blunt” dissection
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