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Chapter 14  Surgical Room Skills  265

                              (a)                     (b)                     (c)

             FIGURE 14.21  Steps A–C of folding a gown.

                              (d)                                    (e)

             FIGURE 14.22  Steps D and E of folding a gown.

               Step D is starting the accordion fold along the length of   absorption  during a surgery. Cloth drapes come  with
             the gown. Start with the sleeve openings, lift and fold a   either a rectangle fenestration or a circular fenestration.
             length of gown under the sleeve layer (Figure  14.22a).   They have to be folded so that the fenestration shows on
             Continue until the entire length of the gown is accordion   the bottom of the folded drape. This can be tricky but
             folded under the sleeves as shown in Step E (Figure 14.22b).   with a little practice you will achieve this every time. Start
             Insert an autoclave indicator approximately in the middle   by laying the drape out on a table top. The first fold is
             of the gown material and tuck the ties into the folded gown.  somewhat of a double fold (Figure 14.25 A.1 and A.2)
               A surgical towel or paper towels are included with the   Grasp the corners with your index fingers and thumbs
             gown. This allows the scrubbed personnel to dry their   and pull the cloth over itself so the corners end up
             hands after performing a surgical scrub before putting   pointing out away from the center. A.1 shows the fold
             on the gown. For the steps for folding a surgical towel,   completed. A.2 shows the assistant continuing to
             see Figure 14.23. Place the towel on top of the sleeves of   accordion fold the material until you reach the center of
             the folded gown. Gowns are only single wrapped utilizing   the fenestration. Repeat on the other side of the wrap.
             the technique previously described for the instrument   Once both sides are folded, start to accordion fold the
             pack (Figure 14.24). Label the tapes with date and initials   ends in to meet in the middle of the fenestration
             on one piece and the size of the gown on the other.  (Figure 14.26 B. 1 and B. 2) Note how the folds have
                                                                almost centered the fenestration on the bottom of the
             Folding a Cloth Drape                              folded drape B.2. As mentioned, paper drapes are often
                                                                included with the cloth drapes. Most clinics will require
             Cloth drapes are often used over paper drapes during a   four paper drapes folded in accordion style and large
             surgical procedure. This gives two layers of security and   enough to cover the chest, sides, and back legs
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