Page 285 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 14  Surgical Room Skills  269

             FIGURE 14.30  Autoclave indicator strips.

             through the autoclave. The minimum requirement for
             sterilization is 15 psi of pressure, for 15 minutes at 250 F.
             Thicker packages will take more time for the pressure
             and temperature to penetrate to the center of the pack.
             It will also make a difference if you pack the autoclave
             tightly. Leaving a bit of space around each pack will
             ensure that the pressure and temperature get to the
             center of each item. If your test pack indicators come out
             lighter in color, you may have to increase the time to
             achieve sterilization. Remember to place the indicators
             in the middle of the packs to be sure the entire package
             has been sterilized.


               Discuss the differences between autoclave tape
               and autoclave sterilization indicators, include
               what they tell you and how they should be used.

             Cold Sterilization
                                                                FIGURE 14.31  Cold sterilization trays and transfer forceps.
             Some  clinics  like  to  put  their sharp  instruments, like
             scissors and needles, into cold sterilization solutions.   completely at least once a week and if they are contami-
             Some clinics will also use cold sterilization for extra instru-  nated. In the background of Figure 14.31 you can see a
             ments in case one is dropped or contaminated during a   transfer forceps. This allows non‐sterile personnel to
             surgery. The cold sterilization solutions vary but most are   supply an instrument without touching the solution.
             quaternary ammonia compounds and are time sensitive   Some clinics may use gas sterilization for items that
             to achieve sterilization, often up to or over 24 hours of   may be damaged in the autoclave. This method of steril-
             exposure. The instruments are cleaned and rinsed in the   ization utilizes ethylene oxide gas. This is an extremely
             same manner but are not lubricated. The instruments are   toxic gas and must be handled with care. Items that are
             then immersed in special containers that have trays that   sterilized in this manner need to be “aired” for 12–24
             can be lifted out of the solution without touching it with   hours before use, so usually they are sterilized well in
             your bare hands (Figure 14.31). This is important as most   advance of being required. They too have a type of ster-
             of these cold sterilization solutions are deactivated by   ilization indicator and often the individual packaging
             organic material and time. They should be changed out   will have a strip on it that will turn pink when exposed to
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