Page 288 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 288

272    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                Anesthesia Record         Owner:                             DVM OK'd
                PATIENT                                     ASA Status:  Pre Sx PE?  Date  Weight
                Name                                K9|Feline  I Normal, healthy
                                                               II Non-systemic disease  Temp  HR  RR
                Breed                           Age            III Mild systemic disease
                                                               IV Severe systemic disease  MM/CRT  Labwork
                PROCEDURES:                                    V Moribund                  Signed Off?
                PREMEDICATION             mg/mL  mg  mL  Route  Time  Comments

                INDUCTION                 mg/mL  mg  mL  Route  Time  Comments

                POST-OP MEDS              mg/mL  mg  mL  Route  Time  Comments
                                Isoflurane  Sevoflurane
                ANESTHESIA                         RBB size       O2 L/min        Tube Size
                             0   15  30   45  0    15  30   45  0   15   30  45   0   15 IV Cath     Y       N
                System    4%                                                            Fluid Type:
                  Non-rebr  3%
                  Rebreath  2%
                  Mech vent  1%
                             0   15  30   45  0    15  30   45  0   15   30  45   0   15 Fluid Rate:
                           200                                                                      mL/hr
                RR                                                                      Total Fluids:
                Assisted R  160
                Temp       140                                                                        mL

                BP:        120                                                          Suture Type and Size
                    Diast  100                                                          Ligatures__________
                           90                                                           Linea_____________
                SPO2       80                                                           SQ_______________
                           70                                                           Skin______________
                Begin Sx
                End Sx     60
                USED:      50                                                           Post-Op Temp:
                  Manual   40
                  ECG                                                                   Time Extubated:
                  PulseOx  30
                  Cyclic BP  20                                                         Time Sternal:
                  Temp     10
                  Esoph Steth
                                                                         Start Time  Anesthetist
                                                                         End Time  Instructor

          FIGURE 14.34  Anesthesia monitoring chart.

          patient should be warmed. Warm water bottles or hot   The patient is then placed in a position for shaving
          towels can be wrapped around the legs of the patient or   and prepping the surgical site. This will vary depending
          around the IV fluid bag attached to the catheter. Both of   on the surgery. Table 14.2 lists the frequently performed
          these will help warm the patient.                  surgical procedures and the position required for
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